Three If By Space

The Fall Top 4 Must-See Lineup: Pick #3 Merlin

#3 Merlin – Syfy Early 2012

Another great show from across the pond. BBC has come up with a unique and interesting look on the Arthur and Merlin legends. Granted it starts in the winter, but we still count that as part of the fall lineup. Heck there isnt a lot of good shows this fall to choose from. Here is a background on the show.

Merlin is a drama series which updates the story of the infamous sorcerer of Arthurian legend for a new audience.

The mythical city of Camelot, in a time before history began. A fantastical realm of legendary beasts and mysterious peoples. A dangerous world in which magic has been banned by the ruthless tyrant, Uther Pendragon. When Merlin, a young man gifted with extraordinary magical powers, arrives in the kingdom, he quickly makes enemies, including the heir to Uther’s crown, the headstrong Prince Arthur.

But guided by Uther’s wise physician, Gaius, Merlin is soon using his talents not just to survive but also to unlock Camelot’s mystical secrets. As he does so, he discovers that his destiny and that of the kingdom’s young leader in waiting, Arthur, are inextricably linked.

Starring Colin Morgan as Merlin, Bradley James as Prince Arthur, Anthony Head as King Uther, Richard Wilson as Gaius, Katie McGrath as Morgana and Angel Coulby as Gwen, Merlin is an imaginative and enthralling new twist on a legend that is as old as time.

Merlin is now into its 4th season and the series always finds a way to keep you interested. Be warned this turns the mythology of Merlin upside down, along with Arthur but in a good way. Its refreshing and unique and has the perfect blend of mystical appeal, humor and darkness. BBC has already confirmed a 5th series, even though the 4th has yet to air and Syfy has picked up the 4th season to air the first part of 2012 (Jan/Feb).

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