Three If By Space

“Keep your boots tight, keep your gun close”

(Disclaimer: As I’m sure most of you could tell from my last Killjoys review, My Chemical Romance and Gerard Way have had a large part helping me figure out who I am. With that being said, I apologize in advance for this review being biased! Also, sorry for the delay, Comic Con was calling my name!)



Battery City, a place where being constantly medicated is normal and where once you’re out dated, you’re out of luck.

 Korse, once the Killjoys’ greatest nemesis, is seen waking up from a nightmare of a memory.  The usual B.L.I brainwashing is drawling in the background, a mixture of fake smiles and demands placed upon the citizens. He does not seem to be in the right frame of mind and we find out why later on in the issue. Each time we follow a character inside of Battery City you see a small rebellion, even if unintentional, and I love that. Becky’s art brings out the dismal mechanics of Battery City, which helps to give clues as to why rebelling could trickle through the minds of the citizens.

We find the rebels in a mess. The Draculoids won the fight and left many an ally to the dogs. The Girl, unscathed and hidden, is pulled from safety. A friendly face makes an appearance and brings a heart wrenching memory fresh into the reader’s mind. I won’t spoil much more on that!

Angrier than ever there is a determination to take down the Dracs and show them what the rebels can really do. Many questions go unanswered in this issue, and even more start to push to the surface. Do the rebels, smaller in numbers than ever before, have the ability to take down the Dracs and the S.C.A.R.E.C.R.O.W.S? Let me tell you, I can’t wait for next month!

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