Revolution S2 Ep 10: Three Amigos (Doesn’t That Mean Friends?)

Revolution has returned from winter hiatus! Last December’s episodes left us with so many questions, about Aaron’s abilities – and the possibility that they may now have left him; about the Patriots and their background and intentions; about Monroe’s son, who  he’s just discovered. Today’s episode answered one question, and gave us only hints and teases about the others.

Revolution - Season 2

Nature vs. nurture? In the Revolution world, “nature” seems to have more to do with it. Miles agrees to take Bass to where his son had been brought as a child. The child, Connor – who is now about 25 – turns out to be the leader of a small band of Mexican gang members. He’s surprised to find out that the notorious Sebastian Monroe is his father. But Bass recognizes that Connor is much like his father, and suggests that together, they could recapture the Monroe Republic. “You’re my son. You should be leading the  Republic. It should be passed from father to son.” Connor answers, “Really. There is no more Monroe Republic.” “You. . . and me. Together. We can take it back. You’re my son. And that’s in your blood. There’s no escaping that.” Bass tells Connor that instead of leading 30 “West Side Story” thugs, he should be leading 10,000 men. How can Connor resist that? He resists – by dragging Monroe off, leaving Miles and Rachel to rescue him. Rachel says to Miles, “Let me guess, we’re going to get ourselves killed saving Monroe.”   Miles replies, “Aren’t you glad you came?” It seems that all the children of main characters – Charlie, Jason, and now Connor – resent their parents, rebel against them, and ultimately, follow them.

Can the Monroe Republic be resurrected? Will the possibility eventually intrigue Connor and get him to work with his father? Bass, despite the come-down of late, doesn’t seem to have completely given up his desire for power. I doubt that he has come to a point where he can be a benevolent leader – and will Miles be dragged back into it, either to try to keep Bass in check, or from a suppressed need to be in charge?

Revolution - Season 2

Very little is learned about the Patriots, either through Neville or the Texas group. Tom and Jason have insinuated themselves into the White House’s security detail for the highest powers – the Patriot government’s Chief of Staff. And just as quickly, Tom kills the Chief, allowing Julia’s “husband” the opportunity to move into that job. She tells him that their maneuvers will get them both what they want – and that she doesn’t want to be the “little housewife” any more. Tom promises to get her everything she wants, as long as she doesn’t forget who he is – and he’s a long way from the mild-mannered insurance agent he was before the blackout.

Meanwhile, the Patriots in Texas promise the people a return to life as it was before the blackout – goods from all over the country, vacations, prosperity.  At the same time, they’re injecting the “gift” oranges they’re passing out with something that must be harmful, because the men doing the injections are protected against the chemical. Is it something to make the townspeople more suggestible? Are they planning to kill all the townspeople this way? Whatever they’re doing, you know it’s not benevolent or kind.

Revolution - Season 2

And Aaron – poor, confused, dejected Aaron – has gotten away from Charlie and Dr. Porter, trying to make sense of what the nanotech (in the guise of the young boy) told him about his powers. He walks to Spring City, OK, where the “boy” said he was from – and finds Grace, who had been involved in the original nanotech pendant scheme. What does Grace have to do with Aaron’s nano powers? Does  she have information that will help – or does he face greater danger, away from his friends and defenders?

WHO ARE THE PATRIOTS???? This is what we want to know! This storyline is the most intriguing part of what Season 2 has teased us with, but it’s been highly underdeveloped. Who are these people? How long has this conspiracy been going on? Is it for the benefit of the United States, or some kind of personal power grab? And what else can Aaron – or anyone else – do because of the nanotech? The season so far has moved very slowly on these essential questions, and needs to pick up the pace! The little bits we learn about the Patriots are very intriguing, but they’re just that – LITTLE bits. Please, writers, give us more!

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