Three If By Space

Game Of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2 Review: The Purple Wedding

Every time the song is played, we know, we are trained to expect something to happen and happen it did. But we will get to that later. First, we got to see more of House Bolton, the house that betrayed the Starks in the Red Wedding and the bastard son Ramsey and whats left of Theon Greyjoy after all the torture and cutting of his manhood. Lord Bolton isn’t too pleased, as Theon is considered a valuable prisoner to him.

Bran and the Reed’s are still on their trek but the Reed’s are concerned over Bran’s long warging with Summer, his dire wolf. Before too long if he remains inside the wolf he will forget he is human and die. Bran longs to be able to walk again but knows he can’t. His visions are getting stronger each time he does it. In his last vision he discovers where they must go next and they begin the journey.

Jamie isn’t very good with a sword anymore, and training his left hand to handle a sword solo isn’t an easy task. Plus should anyone find out he is no longer worthy to be the King Slayer, he will not survive long. Tyrion puts him in touch with his friend Bron to do some training, someone who will not talk to anyone else about what they are doing.

Lady Melisandre continues to press her influence on Stannis but it appears to be wearing thin. His wife is a full on cult follower, but you can clearly see that Stannis is growing tired of all the rituals and no results and won’t stick with all of it for much longer. Guess he didn’t get an invite to the wedding in Kings Landing, probably for the best though, they are always such a bore.

So, The Rains of Castamere were played yet again at another wedding and we just knew something was coming. If you had read the books, you were already prepared for the most desired event of the series next to the Red Wedding. The Purple Wedding was rather quiet and dull compared to most affairs of Westeros but Joffrey didn’t waste any time poking fun at his enemies and making his uncle and others very upset over some of the insensitive joking. In fact, he tries a lot to really embarrass Tyrion by forcing him to be his cup-bearer. Shortly after cutting the cake, he begins to eat and drink his way to his own death.

Joffrey begins to choke and at first everyone assumes he is playing a joke, as he is prone to do but soon everyone realizes how serious it is. On the ground vomiting Joffrey is picked up by his mother and turned over. We find him turning a shade of red and purple with blood coming out of his mouth and nose. He has been poisoned and my guess was nightshade. He points over to Tyrion in his last moments before dieing to which Cersei calls out to have him arrested for murdering their king.

The look on Tyrion’s face clearly states that he is confused and first but realizes that someone wanted him to look very guilty in front of a lot of people. The reason question is, since half of Westeros wanted the boy king dead, who really did it? With all the deaths we have seen, Joffrey’s was probably the most horrific. Beheadings are bad, don’t get me wrong, but they are quick and painless. We got to watch every moment of Joffrey not able to breath, with blood, veins and it was just horrible (but well deserved).

Jack Gleeson was perfect for the role and it is sad to hear he will be retiring from acting at such a young age (just 21 years old). However, a role like this is very likely something he would forever be type cast into and may be making the right choice for the near future. No matter what, we are all glad to see Joffrey’s dead but I can’t be the only one upset that Tyrion is the one being framed.

So, with the new season off to a killer start just 2 episodes in, what will the rest of the season bring? Leave you comments below but if you have read the books, do all of us who haven’t a favor and keep it spoiler free.

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