Three If By Space

Game Of Thrones Recap/Review – The Watchers on the Wall


Tonights review/recap is rather short as the entire episode was one giant battle. A great battle.

The biggest battle of the season has begun as the Watchers on the Wall fight to prevent the breach of the wall. Mance was right, they did light the biggest fire the north has ever seen. We finally get our first look at the giants. While the giants and wildlings stormed the gate, others were already over the wall and started attacking castle black from the south gate. The knights watch was taking it from both sides. Snow had to take command on the wall when the one left in charge lost his nerve.

A giant manages to make it inside the inner gate by lifting it on its own and charges the 5 men who were there to protect the gate from falling. Jon finally meets back up with Ygritte only to watch her die at the hands of the young boy who was sparred previously by them. Back on the wall, after continuing to throw out all their punches, they manage to beat back the army with a huge anchor attached to the wall that swiped across the wall killing anyone who was climbing.

Back inside the inner gate, we see that they managed to kill the giant before he could get through, but nobody survived. They held the gate. Mance still has an army that out numbers them massively and Jon Snow knows they won’t last another night. Jon decides to go out to meet with Mance in a last-ditch effort.

Overall it was a great fight sequence for the entire episode and really sets up the finale of the season. We have been waiting for this day to come for several seasons. A huge number of Jon Snows friends and the Knight’s Watch died in this fight, including a major character in Ygritte. I wonder if Jon will run into his brother Bran while trying to find Mance. I have not read the books, so I don’t know what will happen. If you have read the books, please keep the comments spoiler free. What did you think of tonight’s fight at the wall? Was it everything the books made it out to be or were the books far better?

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