Three If By Space

Outlander Fans: The Poetry Contest is… CLOSED


Now! Email your entries to my Outlander poetry contest NOW! You have until midnight tonight (central US time) to submit your verse, your bawdy ballad, your porno poetry. No experience necessary, maybe you’ve never written a poem before, maybe the longest poem you’ve ever recited is the Happy Birthday song (and yes, song lyrics are poetry) – I don’t really care! Maybe yours will be one of only three I receive, making you a winner by default! To review the rules:


1. The contest is open for 24 hours only, from midnight Monday, June 23 to 11:59 pm June 23, CENTRAL U.S. time. Entries received before or after will not be considered for the contest – make sure you have a current time zone map! (but they still may be published, see rule #6) I’ll be happy to mail prizes outside the U.S.

2. Do not post your entry in the comments below. All entries must be emailed to If you post below, we will all enjoy your verse, but it will not count toward the contest. Please include your name and your email address and/or Twitter handle with your poem. If you have the winning entry, I will contact you for prize-mailing information.

 3. Any kind of poetry, as long as it is Outlander-inspired, is great. Haiku, limericks, Elizabethan sonnets, free-form, rhyming or non-rhyming. Odes to a character, odes to Diana, your feelings, your disgust over the medical scenes, funny poems, serious poems.

4. But limit yourself to no more than 20 lines, please. I have a short attention span.

5. One entry per person. That’s it. And don’t send a second, saying, “please disregard the first one, I like this one better.”

6. By submitting an entry to this contest, you give threeifbyspace permission to reprint your poem in any forum we choose (here, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) There will be no payment involved – in either direction. Please don’t try to bribe the judge. (oh, go ahead. Try.) (but for professional writers out there saying WAIT!!! – you still retain your own publication rights.)

7. Poems must be your own work (ok, you, your kids, your hubby – but not something you find in someone else’s book or blog).

I will publish the winning entries, as well as any others that I particularly enjoy. All decisions are final.

So give me a birthday gift – your poem – and I may give you one in return!

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