Three If By Space

English Cast Revealed & Trailer For One Piece: Film Z

FUNimation announced the english cast lineup for the One Piece feature length film this weekend at Anime Expo. Checkout the cast lineup and the new coming soon trailer.

Said to be comparable to the Ancient Weapons of old, the Marines’ trump card, the “Dyna Stones,” have suddenly been stolen by a group of renegade vigilantes. The terrifyingly powerful man responsible, former Marine Admiral “Z”, now stands in the path of Luffy and his Straw Hat Pirates. Can the Straw Hats defeat “Z” and his crew, or will the New World meet its end at the hands of this mad man?


LUFFY Colleen Clinkenbeard
NAMI / YOUNG NAMI Luci Christian
USOPP Sonny Strait
SANJI Eric Vale
ZORO Christopher R. Sabat
ROBIN Stephanie Young
FRANKY Patrick Seitz
BROOK Ian Sinclair
Z Jeremy Schwartz
AIN Lauren Landa
BINS Matt Mercer
GARP Brian Mathis
SENGOKU Ed Blaylock
AKAINU Andrew Love
AOKIJI Jason Douglas
MOBSTON Mark Fickert
COBY Micah Solusod
HELMEPPO Mike McFarland
TSURU Juli Erickson
YOUNG Z Tia Ballard
PURIN Angela Chase
KIBIN Darryl Roberds
ADR Director Joel McDonald
Lead ADR Engineer Peter Hawkinson


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