Three If By Space

Outlander: Episode 108 Preview – Both Sides Now

Both Sides Now – Joni Mitchell

This song is very appropriate here – not only for its name, but for its idea, that she’s looked at life in many different ways and still doesn’t know what to think of it. That’s what Claire is facing in this episode.

Written by Ron Moore, the “mid-season finale” episode contains an entirely new story line, but one that most of us long-time Outlander lovers have long been interested in – what happens to Frank? We were introduced to a sympathetic, loving Frank – how does he go on when Claire is gone? What happened to her? This week’s TV Guide magazine (the editors of this publication obviously LOVE Outlander, from the amount of coverage it gets) included a full-page article on Frank. I hope you can read this – if not, find a copy! You’ll see two characters we’ve been looking forward to – quite exciting!


In a bit of episode trivia that won’t make any sense to you until Saturday night, and only if you watch Big Bang Theory – I’ve now heard the same quote from Sherlock Holmes in two shows in one week… No return date has been set for Outlander – I’ve heard some fans speculating that it will be January, but all Starz is saying is “early 2015,” which could be anything through March. But it’s better than not coming back at all!

On Friday, both Caitriona and Sam will do Twitter Q&As, and as always, I’ll transcribe them and have them available here on threeifbyspace. Be sure to look for all previous Q&As!

Follow me on Twitter: @ErinConrad2

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