Three If By Space

Outlander: Twitter Q&A today with Sam Heughan!

Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe conducted Q&As on Twitter today (separately, and they were too hard to follow together, so I’ll make them separate posts). Couple of surprise guests, and Sam showed his trademark quick wit and sweet gallantry!

Q When Jamie smiled in his sleep in the Wedding episode, was it an easter egg for book readers or just a coincidence?
A It was a conscious decision. 🙂 He also spoke in his sleep but that was cut… “Gasta”

Q Anyone else sweating?
A Yes… #WrapParty

Q How many munros (Scottish mountains) have you bagged so far? Which one was your favorite to do?
A In double figures. Aiming for another few in coming weeks!

Q Has your family gone  to set of Outlander yet?
A A few times. Feel so proud. Must stop my mother touching things though.

Q What was your favorite scene to shoot?
A Loved eps 13/14 Wait and you’ll see #newcharacters

Q Is the whisky you’re all drinking on camera real?
A If only! But some scenes we both have needed a little “dutch courage.”

Q If you could be a professional athlete, which sport would you play?
A Rugby!

Q Which episode was the most difficult to film?
A Each ep has own challenges. Weather, location, etc., but last two rather hard. I’m proud of them.

Q Do you  have any kind of ritual before filming?
A Putting on the kilt is kind of a ritual, you may see it sometime.

Q When does Season 2 begin shooting?
A Beginning on next year… sometime.

Q Is season 1 the end of book 1 or will it continue into season 2?
A Season 1 is book one. Season 2 covers book 2, but know writers like to bring in elements from others.

Q Are there omissions/deletions in adaptation you wish had stayed true to book?
A Always things have to be lost but hopefully we can keep as many as possible!

Q What was the most emotional scene that you filmed this season?
A Last day with “highlanders” was hard. Great ensemble. Brilliant actors.

Q What does a Scotsman wear under his kilt?
A Need you ask?

Q If you  had the chance to tweak a scene a wee bit which one and how?
A We do tweak a lot, actors, writers and director collaborate a lot.

Q As the series goes forward Jamie and Claire age 20 years. Will you still play them just with aged makeup?
A Hope so!

Q Cait says you sing in the shower. Favorite shower song?
A In the shower but not at karaoke.

Q MMM, how does she know you sing in the shower?
A We shower together.

Q As Gaelic is spoken in the series, will you also both be speaking French when you get to Paris?
A Mais oui.

Q (to Cait) How is it to kiss Sam almost on a daily basis on set?
A Yes, how is it Cait????
Caitriona: Eh… it’s okay I suppose. Good thing he has a penchant for fruity lipbalms. 😉

Q Was Wentworth really hard to film?
A Intense and difficult, but Tobias and Anna the director are fantastic. I’m excited for viewers.

Q Was Sam’s shoulder dislocation real?
A Yes…. #magicofFilm

Q Are you guys still filming Outlander season 2 in Scotland?
A We are!

Q Do you mind keeping the long hair for Dragonfly in Amber during the break?
A I don’t mind, it’s part of Jamie.

Q Worst equipment malfunction?
A Graham had trouble with the blood-rig knife that cuts our wrists at the wedding, he got blood EVERYWHERE!
Graham: It was a little messy, yes…

Q Which is your favorite movie ever?
A Back to the Future… no, Aliens… No, Starship Troopers…. no, Godfather… argh!

Q Do we have a good fight between you and Randall to look forward to?
A And much more…


Q Given the choice, would Jamie (or you, Sam) time travel in standing stones or Doc’s DeLorean?
A “Great Scot!!!!”

Q What’s the most awkward part of shooting a sex scene?
A The 16 other people in the room.

Q So, what’s in Jamie’s sporran on any given day?
A Secret things…

Q If you had the choice to change your character which one would you be?
A Black Jack!

Q What’s your swear word or expression when you get mad about something?
A Cait has quite an extensive vocabulary of sweaty words. “#Irish

Q What’s your favorite whisky?
A Laphroig Quarter cask or Lagavulin 16. Yum.

Q Do either of you want to try directing an episode if you had a chance?
A That’d be a real challenge and a great idea.

Q Have you met who will be playing Brianna and if so, what’s your first impression?
A Still casting I think… Who’d you like to see?

Q I want to know what was your favorite episode of  this season.
A So hard but I really like second part of season, it gets harder, darker and more intense.

Q Will you miss the horseback riding?
A Desperately miss Sleepy already.

Q Last movie you saw?
A I want to see Denzel Washington’s new one, I love him!

Q You know you’ve inspired a new man-lingerie trend. I bet kilt sales are killing it.
A Jamie doesn’t wear lingerie or any underwear…

Q After one year of filming how do you feel you have changed as an actor?
A I’ve learnt a lot about my skills but also the process and working in media generally. It’s exciting.

Q How does one get to audition/write for the show in Season 2?
A Better ask Ron Moore.

Q What would be the preferred libation for an #AskOutlander session?
A Post wrap party bloody mary… oof.

Q So, what do your parents think? Episode 7 was soooo lovely. Great job!
A They haven’t seen it yet.. gulp.

Q Are you looking forward to wearing underwear again?
A I like the freedom.

Q Did you both read the books?
A Book one several times, and constantly used it for reference. Book 2 will be the same.Plus companion books.

Q Do you cook? What’s your specialty?
A As much as I can, like it to relax.

Q Is there anything you don’t like about your character?
A All the pain he goes through.

Q Will you share a wee nip with me?
A Slainte!

Q I understand there is a lot of time between studio takes. Do y’all stay in character?
A No, but down time pretty busy with press stuff, prepping other scenes, makeup checks and drinking coffee.

Q OK so many great acting little nuances with your fingers, hands, eyes, as Jamie… you or director?
A Details are mine, noted them from the books. Directors do however get the performance. It’s a collaboration.

Q Do you  have Outlandish Companion to refer to?
A Found Exile more helpful and other short stories. Plus “Herself” helps out too sometimes!

Q What was really in the glasses you were drinking from in The Wedding?
A Wine? Whisky? Sugar water..

Q I just want to say that I can’t wait for April for more Oulander. Really sad.
A You can always watch repeats on Starz while we finish post production.

Q In the second book you are in France.. will you shoot there?
A Some locations I imagine we will!

Q With the character based on a book, do you like having such a reference in understanding Jamie?
A It’s a great gift, to use as reference, but I feel now I understand Jamie, though he has more surprises to come.
Diana: Oh, you definitely understand him.

Q Anything really crazy on your bucket list? Diving with sharks?
A Sharks! Yes!!!

Q Will we hear you say sassenach more often now?
A Jamie has many names for Claire… mo nighean donn.

Q So far, how much of Outlander have you filmed?
A Season one wrap last night! Plus pickups…

 from one commenter: A pickup is a small, relatively minor shot filmed or recorded after the fact to augment footage already shot.

Q Do you have a laptop in the pub you’re answering #AskOutlander from? How are you keeping up with all the questions?
A Yes, it’s just burst into flames.

Q How do you not get sick with filming outside in the Scottish weather?
A People are ill, you have to be very careful, when one person gets cold it goes around.

Q Do we get to see more from Jamie’s perspective in the next few episodes?
A Oooooh,maybe….;)

Q Top or bottom?
A In the middle.

Q Do you have plans to binge watch any shows in your free time?
A Loving Ultimate Fighter at the moment. Go @DRkneevil!

Q What is the easiest way to make Cait laugh?
A Just smile, she can’t help herself. 🙂

Q If you dye your hair tomorrow which colour would you choose?
A Oh, green?!

Q What is your favorite Mexican food?
A LOVE Mexican food, not enough in UK. Guacamole.

Q For starters how would Sam live without his hair product?
A I have more than Cait, that’s for sure. #bighair

Q Do you think Claire has an alcohol problem?
A She’s a bit of a lush huh?! But understandable… hic!

Q We are in love with Jamie. Which is the fictional character you love the most?
A James Bond. Sherlock Holmes.

Q Sam, please say something to me — anything at all and call me Sassenach.
A You say something first…

Q Trying to mentally prepare for my 1st 5K, any suggestions? GULP
A Get a running schedule, do the miles, it’s not far, enjoy every step!

Q How difficult was it to ride horses in a kilt?
A Very comfortable actually.

Q We were able to see you in really lovely costumes. What was your favorite outfit so far?
A Terry (Dresbach) has done an amazing job huh!

Q Please tell Duncan “we” said “Hey there, Sailor” or something to that effect. He’s my wee Scruffmeister!
A You would be in a lot of trouble, he’s a wild man!

Q Being active as you are, what is the hardest competition that you have ever done? Was there a race you couldn’t finish?
A Not yet, done a few marathons, triathlons, etc. Was supposed to do a mountain race this month… To busy!

Q Do you do all the fighting yourself or do you have a double?
A So far I’ve done all my own stunts! We have doubles, for 2nd unit stuff, they normally show us. Awesome team.

Q Not my lucky day…no answer from #AskOutlander, but that’s fine, having a blast reading everyone’s. 🙂
A Keep trying!

Q I wish @Heughan would be an acceptable excuse to my boss for the lack of work being done… Whoops!
A Sorry boss.

Q What is your favorite saying or word in Gaelic?
A There’s some great stuff in last few episodes.

Q If you just said hello I could die quietly.
A Hello! But please don’t expire.

Q When or are y’all filming season two and who is the best horseman or woman in the cast?
A Oh, this is a bone of contention but Cait knows I’m better than her.

Q What do you like to do when you’re bored?
A Twitter #tweettweet

Q Has anyone in the pub recognized you?
A There’s some @GlasgowWarriors team here, I’m so starstruck!

Q What did you think when you first saw Cait in Claire’s wedding dress?
A She really is a woman of beauty and a lady of grace.

Q If you had to be locked up in a cell with anyone in the world, who would it be? And why?
A Depends for how long…

Q If Jamie could choose a modern jun food what would it be?
A Deep fried haggis.

Q FROM GRAHAM, repeating a Q from a fan: Graham McTavish has blown me away as Dougal. Is there going to be more of Dougal in the series?
A from Graham: Wait and see!
A Hi Graham!



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