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Constantine: Angelica Celaya “Zed” Answers Questions on Twitter

Angelica Celaya, who will debut tonight on Constantine as Zed, answered questions on Twitter this afternoon.

Q What’s your favorite Halloween movie?
A Halloween… All of them!

Q What’s your favorite word?
A “Neta” … Really in Mexican slang.

Q What got you attracted to join the cast of Constantine?
A Hellblazer and the DC Comic Universe! So dark and bad ass!

Q Do you get a say in your character’s wardrobe?
A We have a great team for wardrobe. 🙂

Q Would you like to work alonside John Constantine in real life?
A Wow not sure about that! LOL

Q What made you want to portray Zed?
A She is a survivor that fights back all the time.

Q What’s it like portraying a character from such an iconic comic book series?
A A blessing from the DC Comics universe!

Q How is it to work with amazing actors like Matt Ryan and Charlie Halford?
A We make such an awesome team, couldn’t have asked for more.

Q How has it been working with Matt Ryan and what’s your favorite DC Superhero?
A He is a great actor! And Zed, she is my fave!

Q What is Zed’s greatest asset/skill?
A Her visions!

Q Was any of the Constantine artwork done by you personally?
A I wish!! No, we have an amazing artist making Zed an awesome artist.

Q Are there any issues or causes that you’re passionate about?
A I love protecting animals.

Q Describe tonight’s episode in one word.

Q What are your opinions on Arrow and The Flash? Would you want to do a crossover with them?
A Any crossover in the DC Comics universe will be awesome.

Q Team Telemundo wants to know what’s your favorite Zed quality?
A That she believes in the goodness of human nature above all the mess we can create.

Q How will the relationship be between Zed and John? Also, how good is Zed at the dark magic?
A The relationship will be epic!

Q Don’t you ever miss El Guero Canelo?
A All the time!!!!

Q Do you believe in supernatural?
A Yes I do.

Q Who is your favorite actor?
A Anthony Hopkins… reminds me of my dad.

Q How would you describe Zed’s initial interaction with John?
A Confrontational and not taking “bugger off” for an answer.

Q What episode are you currently filming now?
A Episode 11.

Q What have you done in preparation for portraying Zed?
A Read Hellblazer while looking for her personality.

Q I’m glad to see that you like the DC universe. Who is your favorite DC hero?
A Superman.

Q Congrats on the gig! How close is your Zed following the comic? If so, at what point is she in her story now?
A Very close;) and can’t say… Stay tuned!

Q Who is the funniest person from the cast?
A Matt Ryan for sure!

Q How do you feel about the show’s direction so far? Did you like Hellblazer before this show?
A I love how close to the comics we are staying.

Q I really agree. It’s awesome so far! Would you put on the (Doc Fate) helmet?
A You never know…

Q If you could portray any other character on the show – other than Zed of course – who would it be?
A I would trade places with Harold Perrineau (Manny).

Q Is there something you have read in the comics that you really want to get to do onscreen?
A When Zed gets shaven bald!

Q Any tips to get the perfect Zed curls?
A Humidity! And cream with cream and more.

Constantine - Season 1

Q Can you tell me What’s On The Way?
A The rising darkness!

Q What is your favorite thing about Matt Ryan?
A That he is John Constantine.

Q Will Zed be an active participant in John’s world? Will we see someone wear the helmet of Fate?
A Yessssssssss

Q Do you like the clothes you wear on the show?
A Love Zed’s style, a bit rock and punk.

Q What are your first impressions of the sets?
A What a crazy set and what a dark world I’m about to step into. 😉

Q First saw you in Gabriel, are you enjoying (doing) an English language series?
A Yes!!

Q Will we be seeing flashbacks of your character or your relationship with Constantine?
A This is her first encounter.

Q What can you tell more about your character?
A She will discover how far her powers can go.

Q What are you dressing up as for Halloween? I went as He-Man.
A Maaaaan awesome.

Q Will NBC let John Constantine REALLY cut loose in this TV version?
A NBC Constantine will NOT let you down, stay tuned!

Q Do you enjoy doing series with a paranormal/supernatural twist more than straight dramatic roles?
A I do. I’m a sucker for these shows! I love action and special effects!

Q How was the experience on set shooting with co star Matt Ryan?
A He is an awesome actor and we always get the scenes moving in a creative direction.

Q Can you tell more about the future episodes? Anything non-spoilery maybe?
A Remember we have the SPECTER… and then there is Zed.

Q Will Zed get to see all those things in Constantine’s basement like Dr. Fate helmet & Ibis stick?
A Zed sees more than she likes to see.

Q John has a reputation of getting those close to him killed. Would that frighten Zed in any way?
A Zed is scared of other things that is not John or the rising darkness.

Q What’s the greatest costume and worst costume you’ve ever worn for Halloween?
A Best … a witch, my mom was a pro with prosthetics. Worst… right now I’m not even in costume!

Q Do you have an idol?
A Yeah, my parents.

Q What part of Zed do you relate most to?
A She believes in herself even when the world doesn’t.

Q Anything we need to know to prepare us for tonight’s episode?
A John and Zed will never be the same.

Q Is there anything you’re genuinely afraid of that you hope doesn’t show up on the show?
A Roaches… too late!

Q Since you’ve read the Hellblazer comics featuring Zed, do you have a fave Zed story arc to be inthe show?
A Her dad and all of his evilness.

Q Can you tell us a little about your character?
A She is strong, survivor, a bad ass and she still thinks John is a good man.

Q Will we get to meet Zed’s father?
A Goooooood questions, huh.

Q What’s been your favorite location to film at?
A The army surplus store with the fire!

Q Who is your favorite villain from the DC universe?
A The Joker.

Q Can you tell us about your favorite scene that you filmed so far?
A John and Zed on the couch. Being real.

Q (from Romeo Tirone, one of Constantine’s directors) Who is your favorite director?
A Heeeeey tricky tricky!!!! Love ya!!!

Q If you could be any other comic book character, who would it be?
A Wonder Woman.

Q How close do Zed and John get tonight? The shirtless preview looked too intense.
A Zed sees more of Constantine than he would like.

Q Did you do Spanish soap opera?
A Lots of them.

Q What is your favorite scene in the pilot? Mine is all the Easter eggs, obviously!
A When John turns into Zed’s drawing.

Q (From Charles Halford, who plays Chas) Hey! I’m effing hilarious! Matt’s sitting by u, huh?
A You know what, No one can dance better than YOU! lol
Q (Halford) Tis true…nor should they… it is rather embarrassing.

Follow me on Twitter: @ErinConrad2

Constantine airs Friday nights, 10 pm eastern/9 pm Central on NBC


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