Three If By Space

Outlander Fan Conference: Thru The Stones, Dec. 5-6

Ever wish you could hold your own personal event and invite Diana Gabaldon – and have her say yes? One woman has done just that – and the first Thru The Stones conference is the result! Thru The Stones will be held in less than 2 weeks – Dec. 5 and 6 – in Davenport, Iowa. And if Diana alone is not enough for you – Graham McTavish will be there as well! Both Graham and Diana will speak, sign an item of your choice, and take photos! In addition, some lucky attendees will have the chance to sit at dinner with one of these exciting people. Tickets are still available for the entire event, which includes a trivia contest Friday evening (the winning team gets to sit with Diana at dinner on Saturday) and a fun array of classes and events on Saturday, including a luncheon, vendors of Outlander-related items, pipers, and of course, Diana and Graham at dinner on Saturday night. Can’t make the entire event? Tickets for just Saturday evening (dinner, Diana and Graham, and a Pipe and Drum concert) are also available.


Some of the highlights of the weekend include:


I’ll be there! I’m excited to see friends from events I’ve attended earlier this year, and to make new friends. I hope to see you there!

Thru the Stones website

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