Three If By Space

Outlander: Twitter Q&A with Matt Roberts (11/10/14)

jan posterJust a bit of promotion before we get to the Q&A: Heart of Lightness, an independent film that stars both Sam Heughan and Laura Donnelly (Jenny Fraser), has been contracted to be shown by several regional Outlander groups over the coming weeks. One of the next showings will be in the Chicago area on Thursday, Nov. 20 ONLY if more tickets are sold by THIS THURSDAY, Nov. 13. Koko Pipkin and the Puget Sound Sassenachs, which held the US premiere of the film last week, has offered quite an incentive to get you to purchase a ticket – a poster signed by the director, Jan Vardoen! The poster will only be given away if we meet our ticket goal. Even if you can’t go, you might be interested in buying a ticket just to get in on the contest! Tickets are $11, and if we don’t meet our goal, you won’t be charged (and the poster will go back to Puget Sound). Purchase tickets BY THURSDAY, NOV. 13 here.

Matt Roberts, Outlander’s head writer and one of its producers, took time today to answer fan questions on Twitter. Here are the questions and answers! All photos below are Matt’s “Picture of the Day” photos.

Q Are all the season 1 writers back for season 2?
A Yes, we have the same team for season 2.

Q Which part of Dragonfly in Amber are you most excited about bringing to life?
A I’m excited about adding Fergus.

Q Where do you prefer to be, California or Scotland?
A I’m a native Californian and I  love my home state, but there’s no denying the beauty of Scotland and its people.

Q What are the biggest challenges in producing such an epic story like Outlander?
A We want to be true to the original work and the time to film everything is very challenging.

Q How is the casting of Brianna and Roger going?
A Sorry to be vague, but it’s going forward.

Q Will season 2 stick to the book structure of Dragonfly in Amber (DIA) or told chronologically?
A We have some surprises for you. I guess you’ll have to tune in to find out the answers.

Q How many episodes of the second part of Outlander (season 1) have you written?
A I wrote episodes 9 and 14 in the back half.

Q Will Claire wear the attention getting red dress in DIA?
A I certainly hope so.

Q Which episode have you enjoyed working on the most?
A Episode 14 had a lot of challenges but very fun.

Q Who scouts your locations? How do they find the best spots/know how much CGI enhancement will work?
A We have a locations department and the producers and directors all have a say in it.

Q What’s the hardest part of writing an episode based off a books series?
A Trying to fit everything in. Diana really packs a ton of great story in her books.

Q Do you write and then produce episodes that you wrote?
A We block shoot 2 episodes at a time so each writer is always covering two scripts.

Q When you write an episode is it a collaborative effort or do you do it alone?
A The actual writing is individual but we collaborate with ideas, notes and lines. We have a great team.

Q Will ALL NINE!!! (hopefully) seasons be filmed in Scotland? Will DIA move around to other locations?
A Sheesh, let’s get season one finished first.

Q Did you already start with the search of the new members for the cast?
A Yes, we have a great casting director and she and her team are already on it.

Q Do you think all the books will become a part of the Outlander TV series?
A I hope so. Diana’s book series deserves it.

Q (Maril Davis) loves peanut butter, what is your best motivational food in the writers room?
A Whiskey or whisky or chai depending on my mood.

Q If shooting/filming commences in February and the weather is snow snow crazy winter weather – what’s plan B?
A Dress warm and wear sensible shoes.

Q Are the scripts assigned or can you choose?
A A little of both. We all have our favorites that we want to write, but some are assigned.

Q What has been your favorite scene or scenes in episodes 1-8?
A That’s like asking who’s your favorite child. 🙂

Q We really appreciate all the hard work!
A You’re welcome. It makes it much easier when you’re doing something you love.

Q How many episodes will you get to write in season 2?
A Not sure yet. We are still breaking out the episodes.

Q I’s a long wait until April. Any presents for the Outlander fans? Audition tapes? Behind the scenes?
A I believe Starz has some treats for you.

Q When will you return to POTD (Photo of the Day)?
A I’ll start doing the potd again soon. Been in the writers’ room for a while. Those pictures might get old quick.

Q Dude, stop being so business like and admit it’s fantastic working with fellow crazies.
A We have the absolute best FANS. Hands down no contest.

Q What is the best part of your job and what is the least favorite part of your job?
A Best part: I get to play make believe for a living. So far I don’t have a least favorite.

Q What can we expect from the next episodes?
A Sex, lies, love, hate, intrigue, violence, compassion, your typical Diana stuff. Not necessarily in that order.
A (from Diana) Oh, good. <g>

Q And we wouldn’t have it any other way! Thanks for all the tears, life, and joy your books give us!
A (from Diana) Much obliged!

Q What’s your favorite thing about being involved with Outlander?
A The people I work with – the cast, crew, staff, network, studio, writers, producers, post.

Q What’s a typical day like in the writers room?
A Coffee, work, work, dirty joke, work, lunch, work, work, coffee, dirty joke, work, work, go home, read.

Q Your photos of Scotland are stunning. Would they by chance be available to purchase?
A They will be…. eventually.

Q Do you need to “picture” the location to write a scene?
A It helps, but we don’t always have that luxury so we use our imaginations and research.

Q Have you read all the books or are you taking them one at a time?
A I’ve read them all. Most of them as they were published. A long time fan.

Q As a producer, do you get input into casting?
A We have a small tight knit group of producers and we give input on everything from story to casting.

Q Are you satisfied with this half of the first season? Cause we are! 🙂

Q How are you? 🙂
A Well, thank you for asking!

Q I don’t have a question, but I’m just happy you’re back.
A Me too :-{)>

Q Favorite line from S1?
A You’ll see it in Ep 114. It’s a Claire line. I love it and Caitriona kills it.
A (from Metin Huseyin, director) Heh heh.
A (Matt) Metin, Caitriona, you both know the “one”.
A (Metin) Just another five months to go!

Q Thanks for being so nice to the Outlander fans! We appreciate it so much!
A Thank you. To the most patient group of fans ever. You’ve waited 23 years and now you want it all .I get it.

Q What is the best on shooting of Outlander?
A I truly love Scotland. And we have the absolute best cast and crew anyone can ask for.

 All photos copyright Matt Roberts (from his Twitter page, @TheMattRoberts)

Follow me on Twitter: @ErinConrad2 or @threeifbyspace

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