Three If By Space

Outlander: Graham McTavish Talks on Twitter

Graham McTavish sat down to answer fan questions on Twitter.

Q What one item from the set would you like to have at your house?
A My horse Lambert.

Q Did you do all your own stunts in the shinty game?
A Not all, but it was great fun!

Q If you have to have one thing in your dressing room that makes it home for you, what is it?
A An espresso machine!

Q Will you be showing some skin in a future episode? I would like to “dissect” Dougal in an anatomy lesson! (from Outlander Anatomy)
A Even if they won’t allow me to, I will do my best!

Q Do you have any ritual before shooting a scene?
A checking that my flies are done up first of all, and keeping it light with Duncan, Sam or Gary as well.

Q How do you prepare to step into your character?
A The costume is a huge help! You are instantly transported to the 18th century.

Q Laoghaire or Claire?
A I don’t want to get in trouble with EITHER of them!

Q Has Dougal taught you anything?
A Passion!

Q Would you hang out with Dougal if he were a real person?
A It would be a schizophrenic experience, but yes of course!

Q Need to know your fave flavor ice cream!!!
A Tartan.

Q What do you think would have happened if Dougal and Claire had gotten married?
A It would’ve been a fiery home life, but definitely never boring!

Q Did you ever think the show would become so popular in a short time?
A When you’re in something it’s difficult to know at the time, but it is very gratifying.

Q Did you think that you would be so involved in the social media aspect of the show?
A What social media aspect is that? ….

Q What has been your favorite scene of Outlander so far?
A You haven’t seen it yet, but it’s coming…

Q How often do you groom your awesome beard?
A It has it’s own personality now, so, therefore grooms itself.

graham 1

Q How are enjoying your stay in NYC?
A Loving it!!!

Q How’s your singing voice? Ever dream of doing musical theatre?
A Don’t hold your breath…

Q If you could play any other character for an episode, who would it be?
A Mrs. Fitz obviously. Love her wee bonnet…

Q Any strange talents?
A I’m afraid so…

Q Does Lambert mean something in English or is it simply a name?
A He insists on being called it, or sometimes “his grey gorgeousness.”

Q Favorite place in Scotland?
A I love the islands…

Q What’s a book you could read again and again?
A I have read Wind in the Willows many, many times. Wonderful.

Q Are gingers the best?
A They are definitely the best at looking ginger…

Q You have a very distinct voice. What is your favorite scene thus far?
A There’s one coming up in this week’s episode.

Q Would you have supported Bonnie Prince Charlie if you’d lived in the 18th century?
A Good question. I suspect so.

Q Who is the funniest person in the cast?
A Duncan LaCroix makes ME laugh, but then, I have a very warped sense of humour!

Q What’s your favorite piece of clothing that Dougal wears?
A His coat for The Gathering.

Q What is one thing you have to have that makes it home with you on set?
A My sanity… mostly.

Q If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
A Who wouldn’t want to be able to fly…

Q I’d like to know, are you planing on doing theatre in the near future and if so, where?
A I’m hoping to do some in Scotland next year.

Q If you could change one thing in the story line what would it be?
A We win at Culloden.

Q What is the most important monument or city of Scotland to visit?
A The Wallace Monument is pretty amazing.

Q Have you ever been a Grand Marshall in a parade before?
A If I have, I’ve forgotten.

Q You seem to travel a lot. Where do you consider home?
A Wherever my family are.

Q Think Dougal needs a woman to lose some tension. What do you say?
A I agree!!!

Q What’s a question you WISH someone would ask?
A You just asked it!

Q In 3 words or less, describe Dougal’s relationship with Jamie.
A Complicated, contradictory, careful.

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