Three If By Space

Review: Falling Skies 5×03 – Hatchlings

Tonight’s Falling Skies brought out the best of everything we have always wanted from the show but didn’t always get: aliens, action and human drama (together). Tonight was all about finding how the Espheni continued to create an endless supply of skitters. At first they bombed them many times with WP trying to kill them, but more only came back.

Soon they learn that there must be an overlord in the area running this and send Sara and Pope out to find out more. Meanwhile Anthony continues to show signs of PTSD and continues to disobey orders wanting to get to the skitterized boy that Maggie and Ben brought back, only to find it escaped and took his sister with him.

Maggie goes after them, against orders, and Hal follows to protect her. In the woods they find the overlord that seems to be running things. However unlike Ben, Maggie is not able to control the overlord’s power and is drawn to him through the spikes. Hal reacts by sneaking up behind the overlord and stabbing him. The skitter boy reacts violently and accidentally shoots his sister only to then kill himself.

Sara gets caught in some of the fog and is unable to move. Pope runs back to camp to try and get help. With the overlord dragged back to camp Ben decides to try a risky plan with Maggie’s help. They will both get into the overlord’s mind while Tom tortures him. However, when the overlord goes into convulsions so do Maggie and Ben. They end up getting the location of the endless skitters.

Pope returns to tell Tom they must go help Sara but Tom refuses, on the intel that the overlords might attack at any moment. Pope runs back to Sara only to find that she was being eaten alive by the small flying bug we saw earlier in the season. RIP Sara.

Tom’s team was successful in destroying the endless supply for skitters but Pope is enraged at the fact that Tom let Sara die. To make matters worse Anthony decides to kill the overlord, their only real source of intel on what the Espheni is doing now. Anne is convinced after freezing up during the attack run that Anthony is no longer able to do his duty.

I was really happy to see at least 1 mystery from season 2 was finally answered. The new race of aliens that Tom saw was in fact not a new race, but the original form of the skitters before the Espheni enslaved them. We always knew they had another form but it was never explored in previous seasons but now we have the name and the form.

Cochise points out to Tom that the overlords are jamming something near by and a massive jamming signal is seen over Washington DC. I have a feeling something not good is going on in Washington but the real question is what?

Don’t miss next weeks episode, which Colin Cunningham teased at Comic Con is “Pope snapping mentally”. Subscribe to our Youtube channel to stay up to date on all our coverage coming from Comic Con.

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