Three If By Space

NYCC Trailer: Teen Wolf Season 5B

Season 5A ended with some answers but a lot more questions about the Dread Doctors end game. Jan 5th we will find out just what it all means.

January 5, 2016.

Posted by Teen Wolf on Friday, October 9, 2015

Parrish has been revealed to be none other than a hellhound! He’s collecting chimera bodies, but that apparently is the gist of it. He did a lot of body collecting all season long, which only allowed for Theo to have a convenient location to find his entire pack … because he said they were his pack and apparently with the magical doctor serum that’s how it works. Other than that, that’s pretty much all of Parrish’s contribution as a hellhound: body snatching, flipping cars, burning things, and moping about his confusion.

And that is where we are left. Hayden is now in the chimera pack (but not dead). Scott is without a pack. Lydia is taking a nap. Stiles is trying to save his dad. Liam is moping because he thinks his girlfriend is dead. And Malia has gone off with Braeden to either kill the Desert Wolf or to be killed by her. We’ve been left with a few cliffhangers to speculate about before the season returns in January, so let the speculations begin! Tell me your theories about the Dread Doctors final reveal and your thoughts of the finale!

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