Three If By Space

The Fiery Heart of Gotham

The Fiery Heart of Gotham

Six episodes in to this season of Gotham and I am definitely loving it.  The switch from the case of the week to the overarching story was a good move on the writer’s end.  It makes the show more enthralling that way, you feel as though it’s actually working towards something as opposed to just concluded at the end of each episode.  I do like what they’re doing with Gordon and the task force a lot.  It’s fun to watch Gordon struggle with having to be “straight laced” and the fact that his boss does not accept the “gray area” that Gotham is ever so famous for is probably going to cause some issues between them down the road.  This episode was a really good one, it hit all of the characters on an emotional level that this season hasn’t fully delved into (aside from Penguin and his mother).  Gordon and his almost fatherly relationship with Selina is a nice touch and I like how much he wants to keep Bridget safe for Selina’s sake.  He struggles with having to do things by the book, especially since he’s never been that way when it comes to Selina and it’s interesting to see him butt heads with the director in the beginning.  I do like that he has Harvey as a fall back though, it makes it easier for Gordon to do his thing without being questioned or “turned in” by the members of the Task Force.  It was pretty cute when Selina was at Gordon’s house because of the banter between her and Lee and that she had milk and cookies.  Her heartbreak when Gordon tells her that Bridget didn’t survive hit really hard, I wish she would listen to Gordon’s full story but I understand her pain and grief.  It does say something that she actually let Lee and Gordon see her cry though, that’s something I don’t think she does very often.


Image Courtesy of Fox

Bridget’s story is a rough one; after everything she’s been through it’s unfortunate that she turned into this “Firefly” and that she was forced to kill a cop to stay alive.  I will admit that it was pretty cool when she lit her brothers up (because they deserved it) because it was a big step for her to take.  She’s been abused by them for however many years, I’d say they got what they deserved.  I was hopeful that Selina was going to help her out and help her see the truth but sadly that isn’t how it went at all.  It does suck that Selina doesn’t believe Gordon in the end and I had almost thought Selina was going to be watching over Bridget when she went to try to free the “slave-women” but that wasn’t the case.  I wonder what’s going to happen in the future when Selina really needs Gordon’s help, will she stay stubborn or will she accept the fact that she needs him?

Alright, everyone knows how much I love Penguin, but this episode he was a little ridiculous.  Of course Galavan is smart enough to figure out that Butch is still Penguin’s servant; he knows how Penguin took control over him, though apparently not the full extent of it, and he can tell that Butch is acting when he says Penguin went crazy and blamed him.  It probably wasn’t the smartest for Butch to go back to Penguin either, I’m sure Galavan had people watching his every move so of course he probably traced Butch back to Penguin’s place.  Did anyone else notice how much he twitched in this episode?  I think the twitching probably has something to do with him holding back how he really feels, he twitched a lot when he was lying to Galavan when he was called out for being a mole.  I’m actually surprised they didn’t kill Butch, but I’m speculating the reason for that is needing him to take Penguin down.  It’ll be like a mole within a mole, Penguin will think Butch is still his servant but in reality he’ll be working with the Galavans to take Penguin out by leading him to the warehouse he believes his mother is in.  This is all speculation, but I’m excited to see if that’s how it plays out.  I really hope not because I like Butch, but we’ll see!  I like that Galavan and Penguin have the same fireplace.

Image Courtesy of Fox

Nygma, Nygma, Nygma, poor guy.  He’s gone through so much these past two seasons and this episode was just a doosey for him.  First it starts with him overhearing a conversation Lee and Kristin are having and how Kristin wants him to be more assertive and to stop holding back from her.  This of course makes Nygma over think things which leads him to telling her the truth about what happened to Dougherty.  Naturally like any sane woman she freaks out and tries to escape.  It’s heartbreaking because you’re rooting for him so much and when he accidentally kills her I felt so sad.  One thing I will say is that Kristin talked too much about Dougherty, I think if she hadn’t brought him up as much Nygma probably would have kept that secret from her.  I know he wanted to tell her, but I think he wanted to prove to her that he actually could handle himself.  Also, he probably thought that was the more assertive and honest think to do.  It’s so sad though, everything he worked for and everything he had is gone now.  I can’t wait to see what’s next for him, is this going to be the turning point where he really goes bad?

Bruce’s role in this episode was pretty interesting as well.  I’m worried about his partnership with Galavan, especially since we know that he’s trying to take Bruce down.  I’m glad to see that he’s actually taking training seriously though, it will be useful when it comes to Galavan.  I wonder what Silver’s real relationship to Galavan is.  He says she’s his niece, but that story is hard to believe especially since Galavan is telling it.  She’s a huge part of Bruce’s life in the comics, so I’m interested to see what they’re going to do with her in the show.  I honestly hope they don’t go for a Romeo and Juliet type deal mainly because I hope it’s more complicated than that.  Galavan is already using her to get closer to Bruce, but is she eventually going to resist and tell Bruce the truth?

Image Courtesy of Fox

Overall this episode was really one of the best this season.  It brought on many questions and showed different sides to characters that up until this point have only been slightly one dimensional.  I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen with Nygma now that Kristin is dead, is he going to snap and go full Riddler?  Now, the very end with the test facility and the fact that it’s owned by the Wayne’s is going to add a new dimension to this show.  We always knew there were secrets and lies about the Wayne’s but man this is going to be even crazier than I imagined.  I wonder what Bridget is going to do, especially since she pretty much went off the rocker at the end.  Will she be the reason Bruce finds out about the test facility?  I’m sure once Selina finds out she’s not dead she’ll go looking for her.  So many questions!  I absolutely love this show!


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