Three If By Space

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Character Posters;Key Character Missing

A disturbance was felt today as the first set of character posters dropped online and while many fans were drooling over the up close and personal posters, others were not. A key character is still missing from all the released content so far: Luke Skywalker. There are many theories as to why but JJ Abrams has remained tight lipped about the character. A set photo of Mark Hamill had been leaked online but was quickly taken down as Disney sent its team of lawyers out to kill it. Dig deep enough and you can still find it. Tell us which character for you love the most and which character you would like to see one of that didn’t make the first round.

Underground Toys Lightsaber BBQ Tongs /

The sneak sneak sneak peek of the main trailer and all that nonsense has stopped but don’t expect Lucasfilm and Disney to stop at that or these posters, the marketing machine behind Star Wars has only just begun. If you have been in a store lately you will find many of them with rows and rows of Star Wars merchandise. The level of merchandising has gotten to an insane peak as you can see from the Lightsaber BBQ Tongs that can be found at Kohl’s Department Stores. All of it brings me back to this scene from the Mel Brooks spoof, Space Balls.


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