Three If By Space

‘The 100’ Preview 302 – Wanheda Part Two

The battle lines are drawn going into the third season of The 100 as everyone of the grounder nations is looking for Clarke, who have they named “Wanheda”. They believe that she holds the power of death and with her death they can take control of that power and rule over the grounders and sky people alike.

Jasper continues to lose control after the death of Maya. At camp Jaha, now named Arkedea, the struggle for power begins to mount as everyone is spread thin trying to keep the alliance in place and keep everyone at peace. Bellamy has taken on a leadership role within the army and has in some ways taken the place of Clarke for that role.

At the “city of light” Jaha continues to work with the A.I. that was discovered and thinks that she is there to help them all, having helped convert the nuclear warhead into a power source. It’s motives are still to be determined.

Clarke is fighting it out on her own and trading when she can, but did she get caught already and will Bellamy’s team end up losing people in their quest to find her? Check out the preview below.

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