Three If By Space

Colony: Chatting with the Proxy, Peter Jacobson, Part 1

COLONY -- "98 Seconds" Episode 103 -- Pictured: Peter Jacobson as Proxy Alan Snyder -- (Photo by: Danny Feld/USA Network)

I had a really fun opportunity earlier this week – Proxy Snyder himself, Peter Jacobson, took some time and talked with several of us on the phone about Colony, playing the Proxy, and motivations. Here’s Part 1 of our conversation. My questions are designated by TIBS.

Can you talk a bit about developing your character? Did you take it all from the script? Was there, kind of, any person or character maybe that you took inspiration from or anything like that?

colony_cast_peterPeter Jacobson: Right. Nobody particular inspired me. I was inspired certainly by the script itself and by the way the character was described in the script and also how he plays out in the script. So, what was one of the things that I liked most about the script when I read it was that Proxy Snyder sort of jumped off the page to me as – at me, really – as somebody who is in sort of,  obviously in a very unique situation and is sort of a unique character in that we don’t necessarily see him right away as sort of the typical villain. He’s somebody who has a lot of mystery to him and he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy whom would necessarily be in the position of power that he’s in. And I thought that was very interesting.

And can you talk about how you got the role?

Peter:  Yes. I was given the script to look at and asked if I wanted to audition and I had never met Carlton or (Ryan) before. I think the casting director, (April Webster), knew who,   knew my work and thought “Well this could be an interesting fit.” And when I read the script right away I,   I thought “Well, this is really a terrific pilot and an even more terrific character.” And so I was able, you know – so then I had the audition and then wound up getting the part.

I was wondering if you have any interesting or fun stories about filming the show or getting the part  – anything like that.

Peter:  There was nothing interesting or fun about – well, it’s always interesting and fun to audition for a character that is himself interesting and fun. But it wasn’t unique in – or anything particularly interesting about getting the role. In fact, it’s pretty un-fun to wait until you hear that you actually got it. But that’s what every actor goes through with,   just about every audition.

And in terms of interesting or fun on the set while we’re shooting, it is an interestingly fun group of people. Only that I – it’s just every person who’s on the show has been so great and fun and nice to work with. Josh (Holloway) and I have gotten along really, really well. He’s just always fun to work with. Sarah (Wayne Callies) is great. The two of them are great together.

I always find it sort of fun to work with Josh especially just because he and I are such different physical – everything. We’re just so different and I always feel like this sort of,  strange little homunculus next to that guy. It’s just always so fun. I think the contrast between the two of us as human beings and as characters brings a lot of spirit and sort of brings an interesting take to the relationship and it’s always really fun to work with him.

This show is fascinating. Can you give us a little bit of insight of how much you know about your character? There’s a lot of mystery around him. How much did you know going in and how much do you know of his future?

Peter:  I only knew going in what was in the pilot. And – as I said – one of the things that fascinated me about him is that you don’t know all that much about him. It’s just, you know – interestingly, he was just sort of – atypical person very much in charge. And that intrigued me, but what I liked again with it, I didn’t really know why he was there and how long he was going to be there. And that’s part of being in in a show with Carlton Cuse. You don’t always know what’s coming down the line.

So I just knew from the pilot what was there. I never really knew much more than an episode or two ahead while we were shooting the first 10 episodes, which served me fine. Some actors like to know, have a much better idea what’s coming down the pike way down the line. And that can certainly be helpful but I knew I wasn’t going to get a lot of real specifics on this. And so I was real happy to just sort of go along knowing, an episode or two ahead what was coming. And as of now I certainly know what happens all the way through the season because we shot it a while ago. But I have no idea what’s coming or what’s going in Season 2.

My question’s actually kind of following up on what you just said. We don’t have a lot of background information on Snyder yet. But what can we learn – what can we expect to learn about Snyder’s motivations and maybe the reasons behind why he’s joined the Transitional Authority?

Peter:  Real good question and I’ve had many of those questions as the season – as we shot. And it was always interesting to talk about, you know – and talk about why he’s there. This episode coming up tomorrow – Yoknapatawpha – will be the moment in the season when you really do begin to really sort of get some more detail and some specifics as to why Snyder is where he is and how he got there. That being said, I can’t guarantee that the explanations he gives are necessarily the truth. I don’t mean to make it more confusing than it is but it’s – to me, it’s my favorite episode of the season really for that reason  – that we sort of begin to sort of see much more about,   who Snyder is and why he is who he is.

And  – again – even if some of that he might be hedging or might be fibbing or might be not being completely direct, that in and of itself tells you even more about who he is. And again it’s a very exciting episode. It’s the three of us. It’s Will, Katie and Proxy Snyder stuck together in a very tight space for a very long time and it’s not necessarily a threesome that is enjoying each other.

Also there’s this big mystery around the invasion. Are we ever really going to learn any more about that in this season possibly?

Peter:  Yes. You will learn more. I’m not at liberty to say how much. There will be,   you will learn more but it’s a very Carlton Cuse – in a very Carlton Cuse-ine way. The information will be doled out sparingly and the second season you’ll be learning a lot more.

TIBS (Erin): Hi, Peter, from a fellow Chicagoan.

Peter:  Erin. Hey. I recognize you from Twitter too. Right?

TIBS:  Yes. Absolutely. And that was the first part of my question. How do you like the Twitter end reaction and is this new to you?

Peter:  Oh my God. It couldn’t be newer. I’m not of this – of the – I’d like to say of this generation, which is silly because I know many people my age and older who are very much involved in Twitter. But I just came really late to it. And it’s – what’s really neat is the immediacy of it. That there are so many people out there who are loving the show and are – you’re hearing it right away. In terms of the live tweeting, I still always feel like I’m about three minutes behind which is very frustrating.

But, as I get better and get – am able to sort of really fly with it as it goes, again, it’s always just exciting to sort of be in the direct feedback and to hear what people are thinking and to be able to respond to them directly. And it’s been great because there are so many people out there who are really loving the show. And how exciting is that for any actor to have that much contact and to be  hearing great stuff? I mean, if it was a kind of thing where everybody was telling me how much they hated it I probably would be a little depressed. But that’s not the case. It’s really been a great, wonderful, positive reaction.

It was just really  – for me  – mostly getting to learn how to do it. I’m a real moron when it comes to anything technological. So I’m still learning.

TIBS: Well, we’re really glad that you are tweeting with us. It’s a lot of fun. And how do you like the feedback that you’re getting about the character?   You get people kind of like me, because I’m on the Resistance side I guess – if we’re going to…

Peter:  That’s great. I mean, I mean USA has done so much wonderful work in terms of supporting us and giving different outlets for people who are into the show to have fun and engage. And then, when I engage with them I’m aware of the energy that has been generated around this and around questions like that  – like, “Are you – do you want to be – would you be part of the Resistance or would you collaborate?”

And within that there’s a whole group of people that are very, very much fans of Proxy Snyder and are   real engaged in, what would he do? Why is he doing this? Who is he? Love him, hate him. And it’s really fun to bat that stuff back and forth with those people because more than most I happen to be a little bit more intimate with the character and I’m able to really have a good time. And that kind of energy and that kind of interest is just wonderful. It’s really fun.

Your character is currently presented as, like, the worst kind of collaborator operating almost purely out of self-interests. Is there more than him? And does he believe his own altruistic claims that he’s doing it for the betterment of everyone in the colony?

Peter:  Great question. There is certainly much more to him than that. But, yes. And he absolutely believes that the way he’s going about it is the right way. I’m sure that Snyder is, like anybody would be,   confused about whether or not it’s always – whether or not things are going to work out in the way that he hopes that they will and has moments of doubt about whether or not he’s doing the right thing. But ultimately the passion that he expresses about “This is the way it should be done” is absolutely real and I think he believes it to his core.

I look at the character of Snyder as, I mean, he’s just like Will. Will is collaborating for the best of himself and his family. We don’t know if Snyder has a family but that’s how I look at him. And I’m curious. How is it to play such a villain as opposed to playing a good guy?

Peter:  Absolutely. Snyder does have a family and he absolutely is doing what he thinks is the right thing. I think  – interestingly anybody in the situation like this with this kind of occupation would ultimately do what is best for them and their family. And Snyder believes that that’s what’s going on. So everybody is a collaborator in that regard. Playing a villain like that I absolutely love. I’m very used to playing a lot of doctors and lawyers and they’re often terrific roles. But rarely do I get to play somebody who’s, you know – has this much power and is this capable of some pretty bad behavior. I mean, I’ve played obnoxious people before. I’ve played bad guys before. But this is the baddest that I’ve ever gotten to play and I just love it.

Well, the one true evil thing was him putting Geronimo to death last week. I mean, that was absolutely evil. But one other very quick question, how long did it take you to learn how to pronounce The Yonk’s proper name?

Peter:  I’m not going to answer until I hear you say it.

I can’t do it. I can’t. I’ve tried.

Peter:  I did not – I was able to – I got it relatively quickly. I had five years on the show House in which I was tackling even more difficult words every week with some disease that I couldn’t pronounce. And I got pretty adept at that kind of thing and I’ve built it into my muscle memory pretty quickly. So The Yonk was actually no problem for me.

So, when you’re not busy working  – just to change subject a bit  – do you like to watch TV? And if so, what do you like to watch?

Peter:  I love to watch TV. I at times feel overwhelmed because there’s so much good TV out there. I mean, there’s just – sometimes it’s like there are too many things to watch and I just shut down. I don’t even know where to go. My interests tend some – more towards the political. So shows like The Americans and House of Cards  – even though they’re very, different kinds of shows  – I like stuff that has a political edge to them. I love It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which I got to do an episode of a few years back. I just love something like that that’s just raw and very,   holds no – pulls no punches and is just, you know – it’s pretty brutal.

So I’m trying to think if there’s anything else. I haven’t seen Breaking Bad, which, I feel like I’m the only person on the planet who hasn’t and I almost feel ashamed that I haven’t. That’s next on my list. And I wish I had more time to watch because there’s – again, it’s just this almost – it’s almost paralyzing. I just – there’s too much to watch. It’s like a kid in a candy store.

You previously mentioned that Snyder has a daughter. I was wondering if you could tell us if she’ll fold into the story at some point or if having a child will color his perception of helping Will find his son.

Peter:  Well, I think we’ll learn – what we’ll learn is that having the child definitely has colored his – how he’s dealing with Will. Again, to what extent you believe the depths of Snyder’s feelings about it  – that’s always up for question, which is what I love about the character. My daughter does not play an active role plot-wise until the very end of the season.

There’s a little bit more of – she has a little bit more of a presence. But right now, from this point of the season through until the end it’s more just sort of the sense of who is she in Snyder’s life and how is she impacting his decisions and what he’s doing. And it’s more of an emotional question. And hopefully  – as an actor  – I’m, letting that stuff come through and indicating – not actually indicating but,  emotionally indicating where my daughter is at play in my mind and in my feelings. But at this point she’s not front and center. But she’s definitely there.

Part 2 of our interview

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