Three If By Space

Colony: Ep. 7 Review, Broussard Has Trust Issues

COLONY -- Season:1 -- Pictured: Tory Kittles as Broussard -- (Photo by: Justin Stephens/USA Network)

This week, between the Tory Kittles interview (see the end of this post for links, if you haven’t read it already) and this episode, has been very Broussard-heavy. And that’s a good thing – Broussard is a fascinating character. We learned quite a bit about him tonight – but we still don’t know some crucial pieces of information.

We learned: he’s ex-military, Special Ops. He’s been living in, and caring for, his mother’s house, and that she died in the Arrival. There’s likely a connection between Katie and Broussard from before the Arrival, and as my fellow TIBS editor pointed out, Broussard is a Louisiana-area name – could they have known each other in New Orleans? He doesn’t trust almost anybody, but Katie is one person that he does trust. And he was willing to defy Quayle to keep her alive.

What we still don’t know – what does he hope to accomplish with the Resistance? Do they really think that by grabbing Snyder, or making some noise, that they’ll chase off aliens who are very advanced technologically, who have weapons that could eliminate huge chunks of the Earth’s population (if this is really aliens!)? Do they know something about the visitors that hasn’t been revealed? What is the relationship between Broussard and Quayle, and Broussard and Katie?


Some tantalizing tidbits were revealed tonight. The Church of the Arrival? (that’s just what I’m calling it…)

We have always known we were destined for something greater. Before the Arrival we were Jews, and Christians, Muslims. Our beliefs were not invalid. They were just…incomplete. Each of our faiths promised us that a great day of salvation was coming, and why? Because we all knew in our souls that one day our destiny as a species would be fulfilled and we would be lifted up from the tribulations of our history and we would become…something greater.

And the Youth Leadership is spreading this “gospel,” if you will, and the “truth” of the “Greatest Day” is even being preached, secretly, in Will and Katie’s home, as Lindsey, the tutor, is indoctrinating little Gracie. What is this “Greatest Day”? She seems to be talking about Jesus, how he came to Earth thousands of years ago, died, and will come back “just not in the way everyone thinks,” Lindsey tells Gracie. Do they believe that the Visitors are bringing Christ back to Earth? And, oh, what is that now-revealed slimebucket Nolan Burgess doing in the church?

Ooh, slimebucket for sure – and Maddie seems to be enjoying being part of the slimebucket family. Has she been coerced, or is she a willing participant, in the little threesome with Charlotte and Nolan? Is she doing this to get insulin for her son, and other benefits  for herself? But it’s a dangerous game she’s playing, as she finds out when Nolan makes a play for her that she rejects. “Three is the magic number,” she tells him. “That’s the rule. Her rule. She has to be there.” And when she doesn’t give in, she’s suddenly demoted – and threatened by Charlotte, who has been fed some story. What is Charlotte really doing, besides pillaging masterpieces, that Maddie knows about and can use to push Nolan to restore her place with Maddie? Another mystery. What are Nolan’s plans, that he’s talking about it being easier to let Charlotte get caught up in her own web (ha, sorry), and wanting to take on Maddie as his new “partner”?

COLONY — “Broussard” Episode 107 — Pictured: (l-r) Kathryn Morris as Charlotte, Amanda Righetti as Maddie — (Photo by: Isabella Vosmikova/USA Network)

Broussard has obviously planned that someone may eventually find out who he really is. Jennifer is given access to the mysterious “Rolodex.” “Everything on ‘Dwight Ford’ is right here. Every social media page, every credit report, receipt. That thing can access every single bit of digital data that we had on Earth up until the moment of the Arrival,” Jennifer tells Will. And it discovers not only that “Dwight Ford” is one of many identities, but it finds several others, and ultimately, with Katie’s help, figures out that Eric Broussard is really the man they’re looking for. As Snyder says, “So we have a military-trained, ex-mercenary sociopath leading the Resistance? That’s lovely. The drones zapped my Congressman, but they left this guy behind.”

But in the meantime, he’s managed to create chaos, and kill a couple of the Homeland Security guys, by wiring a “dummy” house to blow when the door is opened. “Who has C4 these days?” Will asks Beau. “Nobody I’d want to meet,” he answers.

And he’s gone to great lengths to thrown Homeland off – too bad for him that Will is good at his job. He finds a look-alike-enough corpse to be placed in the driver’s seat of a van he and Quayle torch, to try to put the search off. Quayle’s a bit of a history buff, giving him a big speech about making hard choices by telling him a story of Julius Caesar to show him that he’ll need to do the difficult thing where Katie is concerned. “I understand hard choices,” Broussard tells him. “Then do the math,” Quayle shoots back. “Since Katie joined us, we lost our armory, our chance at Snyder, and most of our cell.” “She gave us the head of the security wing,” Broussard counters. “Yeah, and her husband was promoted to fill the vacuum. I mean, maybe we’re playing into her plans,” Quayle reasons.

And the idea that Katie may be a double agent – I’m still not convinced that perhaps she isn’t. She makes a case to Broussard, when he brings her up to Griffiths Park at Quayle’s order. “I’ve been clear from the beginning that my family comes first. Everything I have is on the line because of you. I came to this cause because of you. Because I believed you were the one person I knew who might make a difference. And then you bring me up here. And you question my loyalty,” she spits at him. I want to believe her – but why hasn’t she told Will ANYTHING? There’s a confrontation coming – he’s now found Broussard’s copy of Nostromo, after seeing Katie’s.

Charlie’s alive! At least that’s what Snyder is telling Will. When Will comes up to Snyder’s home – one of them – in the Green Zone to tell him that they’ve figured out who Broussard is, Snyder hands him an envelope containing a photo of Charlie. He reveals that he, too, has a child – a daughter – who means everything to him. Is he separated from her? Would she have been with her mother, perhaps in the New York area that Snyder came from? When Will hands Katie the photo, she falls apart. “So they know where he is? Those assholes were close enough to take a picture of my son, and we still don’t have him home,” she cries. “We know he’s alive,” Will tries to comfort her. “We know they’re manipulating you with our baby, Will, so that you’ll do their dirty work. It’s evil what they’re doing. You gotta get out from under their thumb.” Will’s response again hints that he’s playing his own long game, that he’s got an end goal in sight. “That’s what I’m doing. But when I’m ready. On my terms.”

(An aside: the home Snyder is living in is a real place – Hillhaven Lodge – and Ingrid Bergman really did live there. It is currently owned by Rush Hour director Brett Ratner. If you want to know more about this home, click here.)

Hillhaven Lodge

So Broussard is in the wind, again, thanks to Katie. After Will presses her to tell him anything she remembers about the man she supposedly only knows as a customer at the Yonk (and she tells him an awful lot, doesn’t she? could this be anger at him voicing Quayle’s suspicions?), she has a change of heart, and rushes to call him and tell him, “He’s coming for you.” Jennifer again uses the all-knowing Rolodex, and finds some old Home Depot receipts showing an address – and they’re off to the second possibly blow-up house. But Broussard got out quick after getting Katie’s phone call – so fast that Beau and Will find the water from his plumbing problem still on the floor. And Quayle’s his next-door neighbor? That’s interesting. There’s a connection. But Quayle plays dumb. So where is Broussard? What’s next for the Resistance?

Which of tonight’s mysteries do you find most intriguing – the Church of the Arrival? Why Nolan is there? What Charlotte is doing? Or what Will is planning? I can’t pick one – but I want to hear from you! Join us on Facebook at Colony: The Resistance to talk about all of this!

Interview with Tory Kittles: Part 1 and Part 2

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