Three If By Space

Shadowhunters Review 109 ‘Rise Up’ or Fall Down?

Clary and Simon convince Raphael to join a Downworlder alliance. Image from ShadowhuntersTV)

The episode was called ‘Rise Up’, but I started to wonder if it should be called ‘Fall Down’, with all the relationships that were falling apart. Interestingly, though, I saw several parallels between Valentine’s ‘Uprising’ 19 years ago, and the events this episode. This time, though, the rebels seem to be the good guys. Is that what Valentine thought, when he rebelled against the Clave? Did Valentine also think that he also “had no choice” and was “doing the right thing”? As Alec rightly pointed out: rebels are traitors.

If you haven’t seen the episode yet, check it out on Freeform.go (in the USA), or Netflix (check your country). You can also check out the (written) Official Recap!

I’m going to be completely trivial to start with, to get this out of the way: Simon is so much cuter without those awful glasses. He really should have gotten nicer frames! No need now, though! I think being a Vampire suits him, now that he’s taking control of himself and his situation. Simon ‘rising up’ wasn’t when he crawled out of the grave last episode, it was when he declared his loyalty to Raphael, and voted for the alliance with the Seelies, Werewolves and Shadowhunters. He was “owning” that the Downworld is his world now, and that, as part of that world, he has a responsibility to protect it. Amidst all the seriousness Simon’s still wisecracking his way through his “unlife”. Simon also started to rise above his “murderous tendencies”, deciding to accept the blood from Raphael, and to stay at the Hotel Du Mort to learn.

Angry but adorable Fledgling Simon

Angry but adorable Fledgling Simon

Also controlling their emotions are Alec and Lydia. Alec’s father found out that he was engaged from someone else. Izzy and Jace were at least told first hand. Way to announce your happy engagement, guys! It was less a celebration and more a defiant announcement, which, really, is exactly what it is. “We rule with our heads, not with our hearts.” It also seems to be how they conduct their relationship. There’s quite a bit of trust, but no sentimentality there! I wonder how Lydia will react to Alec’s failure to get Meliorn to the Silent Brothers?

Speaking of whom/which, why is taking Meliorn to the Silent Brothers a death sentence? What’s this talk of torture? Aren’t the Silent Brothers scholars and priests? I had to consult The Shadowhunter’s Codex again. Page 194 says that they are closer to heaven than other Shadowhunters, but not more holy. They enjoy spooking people with their appearance, so: not particularly mature or holy really! They have different powers, not extra powers. The Silent Brothers have their eyes and mouths sealed closed, and communicate telepathically. Among other things, they can read minds. They don’t do any fighting, and don’t have most of the runes that other Shadowhunters have on their bodies.

The Codex doesn’t mention anything about torture. Perhaps the telepathic mind-probing is lethal to Seelies because they are only half angelic? When The Silent Brothers tried to retrieve Clary’s memories, she was warned that it was very dangerous. It sounds like it’s more dangerous for non-Shadowhunters, &/or those who are not willingly offering their minds to be read.

Clary leads the Downworlder alliance to rescue Meliorn (Image from @Kat McNamara’s Twitter account)

Izzy was determined to rescue Meliorn, and Jace was 100 percent with her. Once Clary found out, she and Simon and Luke were also instantly on board. For a group who has loosely, and recently, formed, they are remarkably united in thought, thank goodness! Clary convincing the Vampires and Werewolves to form an alliance to help the Seelies (or, Meliorn, specifically) was a truly masterful move. One that would not have been possible without Luke’s unwavering support, Simon’s new Vampirehood (is that even a word?) & Raphael’s enlightened view of a safe future for Vampires. As Jace mentioned elsewhere, it’s about the ‘Big Picture’ of all of life being threatened by Valentine. It turns out that it’s also about the relationships that Clary has built and continues to build: Luke, Simon, Jace, Izzy, Magnus and now Raphael. Will Alec and Lydia ever join them?

Interestingly, Alec knew exactly where the Cup was: he locked it away himself! Yet: he was with Lydia and the people searching Clary’s room for the Cup. Is Alec playing a very strategic and dangerous game: keeping close to Lydia so that he can influence what happens, while still protecting Jace, Izzy and Clary? He’s capable of turning Magnus away, when we know they really do have a bond, it’s not just one-sided. We know, and so does Lydia, that he’s not marrying her for love. Both of these things show that Alec has the self-discipline to hide his feelings and act according to his thinking. How committed is he to The Clave and Lydia, and how much is strategic manipulation to stay in power, whether for his own pride, or for the greater good?

Heartbreakingly for Jace, Alec refused to join them this time. Alec and Jace fighting was something of a mirror of Valentine and Luke fighting, 19 years ago. It was for different reasons, but it was still fighting between Parabatai. In typical “young male” fashion, it was during a physical fight that they finally had the conversation they needed to have about their grievances with each other. Alec resented that Jace has gone from being a rule breaker to being a lawbreaker, and he blames Clary. Jace is upset with Alec for not liking Clary, and accused Alec of being jealous of her because of Alec’s own feelings for Jace. Neither agrees or apologises, but they do seem to have resolved their relationship, temporarily. Both were visibly upset, so at least we know that they still love each other, and it does sound like Jace loves Alec as much as Alec loves Jace.

In a previous episode, when Jace and Simon had that big argument, they were comparing Clary & Simon’s relationship to Jace and Alec’s. This episode, they were again ‘compared and contrasted’: Clary and Simon’s relationship has undergone a huge change, but has survived. Alec and Jace’s magically bonded vows are still in place, but it doesn’t seem that the relationship is.

Alec: knocked down by his fight with Jace, and opting out of their collaboration. (Image from ShadowhuntersTV)

Is Alec right not to join Jace? He chose to stay at the Institute, following the Clave, which is sounding more out of touch with everything we hear. Are Jace and Clary actually leading a new ‘Uprising’ against the Clave? They’re certainly deliberately defying the orders of The Clave, or: the orders that Lydia says came from The Clave. Izzy is calmly going back to the Institute to talk to Alec. Does she not expect to be arrested for her involvement in stopping Meliorn being taken to the Silent Brothers? The reason he was going is that Meliorn is accused of gathering information from Izzy for Valentine! Lydia already said that Izzy was lucky she wasn’t arrested with Meliorn. Is that “luck going to continue when she arrives back at the Institute? What about when Alec discovers that the Mortal Cup, & the portal shard linking Clary and her parents, has gone?

I’d be pleased to read your comments below, or send me a message, using the contact details at the bottom of this post.

Featured image from ShadowhuntersTV: Clary & Simon convince Raphael to join a Downworlder alliance to rescue Meliorn.


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