Three If By Space

Outlander: Maril Davis Answers Fan Q’s on Twitter

Q How many episodes are there this season?
A 13.

tw 5

Q Why did Rabbie call out to Claire with her name? Shouldn’t he have said “my lady” since she is Lady Broch Tuarach?
A Yes, he probably should have.

Q Thought you were in Ridgefield, WA last night. I swear your doppelganger went to the Cure show and sat next to me.
A LOL Nope. I’m in LA!

Q Why did we get so little of Lallybroch? 🙁 Moments of peace make the story breathe. It seems they can never be happy.
A Originally we had more but we ran out of shooting days. Sometimes you have to make hard decisions about what stays and goes.

Q Ep. 208/next Ep have all bad cold weather. Which of you filmed in the worst?
A The weather is always like that. #perpetualwinter

Q Where has been your favorite location to shoot?
A Hmmm. It’s always cold, but I love our Craigh Na Dun location (Kinloch Rannoch).

Q Do you ever become acclimatized to the colder weather in Scotland or is it always a challenge each year?
A I never acclimatize! #chillyWilly

Q Was Sam nervous holding the little infant?
A No. In fact he seemed like a natural! #MrMom

Q As we start the downward arc to the end of S2, which episode are you most excited for fans to see?
A I love them all but the finale (213) holds a special place in my heart.

Q Is this Roger and Bree?
A You know I can’t answer that!

Q What date is it in Ep 209/how much time has passed?
A The big time fast forward happened in 208. I think 8 months had passed since they returned from France.

Q In the last ep, was there a scene that was cut that u wished stayed in?
A We can talk about that after you’ve seen it!

Q Why only 13 eps instead of 16?
A 16 episodes is a huge strain on actors and production. Plus, we thought 13 was better for 2nd book.

Q Your favorite scene of Season 2 so far?
A I love the scene (in 207) where Claire comes home from hospital and greets the servants. #heartbreaking

Q Do you think you’ll change the way you represent sexual violence in the show?
A Going forward? We take it scene by scene. Try to stay true to book.

Q Let me clarify: Do you think the criticisms raised after the 7th episode will change things?
A  We’ve already finished this season. So changing anything isn’t possible for those eps.

Q Who decides what the title card scenes will be? Are they shot separate from regular scenes?
A The producers sit around and make suggestions. And yes, they are shot separately (by Matt Roberts).

Q Are any members of the cast and crew veterans?
A That’s a great question. And I’m honestly not sure.

Q What are you doing at present? US or Scotland. Post production? Thinking ahead? Resting?
A We JUST finished post on ep. 213. Not resting sadly. My job is year round.

Q Did it take a full year to shoot S2?
A Shooting took 10 months. But the entire production (writing, post prep) takes 17 months.

Q Why bring back Laoghaire? Her return in the books worked just fine without the redemption.
A But we changed how she was in the first season (from the books) so had to make adjustments for future story.

Q What’s your secret superpower?
A My boyfriend would say “nagging.” 😉

Q What do you think Claire did with her Parisian wardrobe?
A She probably shipped it all off to poor Mrs. Fitz!

Q Not a question, just want to tell you how much I’m enjoying every episode! You are doing a fantastic job with book to film!
A Thanks!

Q Why did you cut sex scene?
A We didn’t cut it. We just didn’t film it.

Q After the trauma and heartbreak of losing Faith, we needed to see Jamie and Claire make love and NOT fade to black.
A I hear you. Would have liked to have seen more myself! 🙂

Q So the 13 episodes will encompass entire 2nd book (DIA)? Or are you going to continue a second half like you did with Outlander?
A No, 13 encompasses entire book.

Q What’s the main reason you’re a fan of the Outlander books?
A I love the Jamie/Claire relationship. I understand people are upset that we don’t see more of it. Me too. But not always possible.

Q What’s the show about if it’s not about Jamie and Claire?
A I agree. It is about J and C.

Q In S1 you coveted Claire’s fur trimmed jacket. What, if any, did you covet this season?
A I love the Dior and also the “simple” blue and pink number.

Q When are we going to see another pic of the glamorous Maril that we (I) saw in NYC?
A Not on set, that’s for sure!

Q If you do get a greenlight for Season 3, what scene from Voyager are you most looking forward to filming?
A The Reunion, of course!

Q Do you think Voyager would be all in one season or split up in two? Just a wild guess???
A Probably just one.

Q Sorry had to ask: why are you trying so hard to not be labeled as a sexy show? J&C have a great sex life. Why run away from it?
A They do. And certainly you see them have sex more in the books. They had sex in 208. You just didn’t see the whole thing.

Q Since you don’t include some iconic Jamie and Claire scenes, is there ever discussion to get rid of subplots that go nowhere?
A You might not agree, but decisions are made that we feel work best for the show. I might not agree sometimes but I do understand why we do the things we do.

Q You answered 13 eps seemed enough for S2. Do you see some valid criticism episodes were rushed lacking emotional flow due to 13?
A Yes, I get it. But that’s the decision we made.

Q Has the real Chief of Clan Fraser been consulted?
A No.

Q I was sad we didn’t see the moment of J & C deciding they were ok to risk a pregnancy again.
A Me too.

Q Probably too late but why make Simon Jr. so young and weak?
A We felt it was more interesting dynamic seeing as what an ass his dad is. Didn’t want two similar characters.

Q Was it a deliberate decision to omit when young Simon insults Claire (Mistress Honeylips)?
A It just didn’t work with Simon’s changed character.

Q I know you can’t answer this, because spoilers, but did you guys discuss changing Murtagh’s future since he’s had a bigger role?
A Can’t answer.

Q Is there non-acting area of showbiz with job future? Mum wants to support teen son who’s considering theatre school.
A Lots of non acting jobs in show biz. Like mine!

Q What did you study?
A I was a theater major. But if I had to do it again, I would have studied film.

Q Is it true you filmed 2 versions of the end of S2?
A Yes and no. Just a line.

Q Aaah! OK, and which one did you use? Haha.
A Nice try.

Q Will you use the novella stories for S3? They are linear in my brain now and I am intrigued by the M. Raymond subplot.
A I doubt we would use the Master Raymond subplot.

Q For the reconciliation scene in ep 7 why dd you decide to adapt like this? I didn’t feel the same pain as Jamie in the book.
A Too hard to answer on Twitter.

Q (from Clarence the Mule) Ye don’t seem to have any pets. Might I suggest a nice gray mule??? I don’t bite like cousin Donas the Horse.
A I have an adorable dog.

Q Did you try to ride him like Romann (Fergus) did?
A No. He seemed supremely bored by all of us.

Q How do you keep the criticism and “that’s not how it is in the books” comments from tainting your love for the story?
A Everyone loves different things. A lot of things I’d like to see that don’t make it. So I get it.

Q Was there any scene you really wanted that didn’t make the cut?
A Yes, there was. I will tell you once season is over.

Q I love the show and like some of the changes a lot. Messing with J&C’s connection and intimacy makes me sad.
A I understand. I wish that as well.

Q If Outlander gets renewed for more seasons, so you think you will ever film in the US?
A I would love to. Just not sure that’s possible.

Q Who won? You or Sam Heughan?
A Me of course!

Q Did Diana give you a peek at the book she is currently writing?
A I haven’t seen any sneak peeks of this one (hint, hint Diana!) but I did see sneaks of the last one! #whoop!
A (Diana) Haha! Tell me when you have time to read again and I’ll see what I can do!

Q In future seasons will they consider 16 episodes instead of just 13?
A Probably not. Too hard on cast and crew.

Q How do the actors mask a stuffy sounding nose when they get sick while filming?
A They don’t. We just loop them (record their lines again at a later date).

Q Diana has said that she told Ron and Sam how the books end. Do you know? Do  you want to know? (I wouldn’t.)
A Yes. She told me too.

Q OMG!!!!!! Hey! Come over for dinner and wine with fellow guests a hypnotist…
A Hahahaha. No. I’m sworn to secrecy! #MyLipsAreSealed

Q Does Caitriona do a lot of her own stunts? Sam says he tries to do as much as he can. Seems a bit dangerous.
A Cait does most of her own stunts. She’s like a cheetah! Sam also does most of his!

Q Are there any shows that you’ve been watching? I’ve just finished The Night Manager, really good.
A Just finished Fargo. Loved it.

Q What was your first job in the entertainment industry?
A I worked on Star Trek as a PA (production assistant).

Q In 208 did Jamie know ahead of time that Claire was going to have a “vision” about his grandfather? Was it a setup?
A I can answer this question after 213!

Want more with Maril? Read my interview: Part 1 and Part 2

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