Three If By Space

Outlander: Your Worry Warning Preview, Ep. 207, Faith

Outlander Season 2 2016

Last season, I did “Worry Warning” previews for the final couple of episodes of Outlander, to assist those with emotional triggers and serve as a guide to anyone who was concerned that the episode would cause problems. This week’s episode, Faith, is the first of the season that I think might require this type of preview. Starz has been very tight with photos and promos for this episode – there’s very little that could be put into either that wouldn’t give something away. You’re better off not having the kind of promos we’ve had for earlier episodes, honestly.

I can’t wait for you all to see this one – not only is it stunningly beautiful, but heartwrenching in more than one way. The episode is broken into three acts, and while I won’t give you any details, I will say that it is as faithful to Diana Gabaldon’s books as it is possible to be. If you don’t want to risk ANY potential spoilers for the episode, please stop here.


First, I’ll tell you that even if any of the following cause issues for you, please don’t miss the first minute or two. Be sitting down, tissues in hand, composed and ready to watch not only the opening credits, but the first short and amazing scene. I fully expect Facebook to blow up after midnight Friday night, from early viewers who can’t contain themselves.

It should be no surprise, from the episode’s title, and your knowledge of what happens in the books (and if you’re not a book reader, you may recall that at the end of the last episode, Claire’s pregnancy was in trouble) that this one deals with the outcome of the pregnancy. I have not, myself, had a difficult pregnancy or a stillbirth, and I sobbed throughout much of the first 15 minutes. Please be aware of your own ability to handle these topics, and view accordingly.

At approximately 39 minutes (not including the “previously on Outlander“) there is a brief glimpse of the snake that we see in the opening credits.

The rest of the episode is still heartbreaking, but I don’t believe it will be as difficult for those with emotional trigger points as the first section. Unlike last season’s difficult episodes that many of you have decided not to watch again, I think this will be near the top of your rewatch list, as tough as it is. I’ll have my episode review out on Saturday evening, after the live airing – join me back here then and tell me if you agree, and if this preview was helpful!

Here’s the Starz teaser for the episode:

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