Three If By Space

Killjoys: Ep. 208 Review, Full Metal Monk – Not a Peaceful Easy Feeling

How are you all feeling about our KJs off on parallel mysteries? I’m completely intrigued by both, and I know that Ms. Genius Lovretta will bring us all back together – maybe not in the remaining two episodes, so we need a renewal – but I’m not dealing well with the increased anxiety resulting from having to worry about both groups!

On the one hand, we have Johnny and Pawter, oblivious to all the diseases they could pick up by Pawter wearing that sexer dress and eating rat meat (and gluten); and on the other, I have real concerns about putting D’Avin and Alvis together in the same room for all that that time – which one will snap and beat the crap out of the other in a fit of jealousy? And then there’s the worry about the wall, and Aneela, and … OK, I get distracted easily.


Dutch has a little jealousy thing of her own working here, I think. Yes, Johnny’s separated himself from the team, but it seems like Dutch’s irritation at him has more to do with no longer being the top person in his life than anything else. Of course, she doesn’t have our (viewers) insight into the fact that there’s a connection – somewhere – between her crisis with Khlyen and the red box, and Johnny’s concern with Pawter’s worry about the wall and Old Town. This is how couples break up – they can’t see past their own worries, fears and insecurities to realize that their partner’s worries, fears and insecurities are probably running along similar paths.

She’s coming to lean more on D’Avin. But he’s got work to do – yes, he has some wizard power with the Green, but can’t control it. Turin wasn’t much help in that fight against the 6, but D’Avin got them out of a jam. By exploding the guy’s eyeballs. He’s starting to figure out, though, that his brute strength and skill with weapons aren’t everything, and he’s smart enough to recognize that other people may have answers that muscles alone can’t provide. And you know it had to take some definite humbling to allow him to approach Alvis. “I want to learn how to control what I can control. I figured you could help me so the whole eyeball thing doesn’t happen again. You know, monk me up a bit.” And Alvis has to remind him that he has to start a little bit sooner in the process – “Maybe let’s start by not wishing death on someone.” Not used to this philosophy, though, D’Avin responds, “Baby steps, monk, baby steps.”

It was fun to see Pawter in full-blown Princess mode, though. “I’m not your hostage any more, Jelco. I’m your liege.” You could see it in his eyes – yes, she could cause trouble for him, but he could do more to mess her up, and she had no idea. But the Pretty Pretty Princess has no hesitation – she grabs her man and off they go to figure out what’s happening in Old Town.

What is Delle Sayeh Kendry’s agenda? She’s twistier than a knot in a chain. She orders Jelco to turn on the wall, ahead of schedule – what schedule? what’s supposed to happen? – to take care of her nosy Royal rival. So she’s working with whoever the oppressor is? We had just started to maybe, maybe think she was on the right side, but is there even a right side in all of this?

And so Johnny and Pawter start to feel the pacifying effects of the wall. It’s not in the bum’s blood; the atmosphere’s no worse than expected. But the wall itself is putting out a peaceful, easy feeling vibe, enhanced by the rations the company provides. Johnny tries to fight against it when Jelco confronts them and kills Pawter’s ally Haroune – but it’s too strong, and even his strength and discipline can’t put up enough resistance. So now there’s “evidence” that Pawter and Johnny have killed a member of another one of the Nine Families.

Dutch’s mystery: how old is Khlyen? Who, really, is Aneela? Alvis knows that the story of “12 monks went to fight the devil” is centuries old – and they find the monks they believe that story to be about hooked up to ancient Green machines, still warm because the Green doesn’t allow them to die, and one still alive behind a wall similar to the one around Old Town. And he remembers the devil Aneela, who looked (looks?) just like Dutch. And she called Khylen “father.” Could Khlyen be Dutch’s great-great…grandchild, through Aneela? Or even, possibly, Khlyen’s daughter, left with a Royal family to raise through her toddler years?


And why didn’t Dutch and Alvis at least ask the monk why they were on Arkyn, hundreds of years ago, find out what the monks were looking for or fighting against? That feels like a piece of the story that was dropped, cut off when it makes no sense to do so. One of the biggest mysteries in Scarback lore, and they don’t even ask the surprisingly alive survivor? (Yes, it’s fiction, but things have to make some sense!)

Johnny and Pawter have gone off the grid, artificially serene, lost in the high that the wall creates, and lulled by Pree’s lovely singing (Thom Allison says that musical theater is his first career, and TV is a fun extra for him – what a voice!!!). You know there’s going to be an attempt to get them out of there and back to their right minds – will Dutch and Johnny be able to find a way back to their strong partnership? Or has this put an irreversible hole in the team?

And what’s the intersection of Pawter’s concern about the Old Town residents, the Wall, Khlyen, and Dutch’s assignment to kill Aneela? With only two episodes left this season, there’s an awful lot to still be revealed. Of course, what we really want is to have the promise of a Season 3 to explore these mysteries further! Don’t forget to tweet to @Space and @Syfy to #RenewKilljoys!

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