Three If By Space

Syfy’s Aftermath 104 Review – Fever Of The Bone

Nothing says family talk at the end of the world like asking your sibling which family member you would eat if you were the only one left alive. Meanwhile Brianna is stuck with a religious cult whose leader has returned from Seattle possessed by a skin walker who is after her for all the ‘hosts’ she has killed.

aftermath-104-recap-gallery-03_4So now the skin walkers can communicate over large distances? Makes me wonder if the cultists aren’t incorrect that the flying beasts know who she is and thats why they left her alone, waiting for a host to arrive to grab her. She is going to be put on trail in order to kill her. She continued to try and get Devon to free her, but you know witches and their bewitching ways.


The rest of the family makes its way to an airport where fever heads are being kept. We are then introduced to our newest plague of the end of the world, parasitic leeches. Fun little creatures that get inside you and eat you from the inside out. Brianna escapes with Devon but the good reverend is on their tail as he tracks their scent (or heat signature, not sure which).

The Copelands end up leaving the airport after its overrun and finally meet up with Brianna. The reverend catches up and in a rather anti-climatic end is shot and killed. The demon inside set free. Devon is a bit out of sorts but joins the group and heads off someplace. However it appears a tank driven by fever heads is following them and shooting the place up.

I am still left wondering how all of these various plagues go together. How are the solar flares affecting each of these occurrences. The series likes to make biblical references from the book of revelations. That may be the route its going to explain each of these monsters and demons that appear. However, I am hoping for a less religious answer to all of it.

So, 4 episodes in what do you think? Which monster is your favorite so far? Should Devon and Brianna stay together?

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