Three If By Space

Tokyo Ghoul Past – Novel Review

Explore the world of Tokyo Ghoul with these prose fiction spin-offs!

Ken Kaneki is an ordinary college student until a violent encounter turns him into the first half-human half-ghoul hybrid. Trapped between two worlds, he must survive Ghoul turf wars, learn more about Ghoul society and master his new powers.

Before the steel frame incident in the 20th Ward, there were reports of Ghouls lurking among the masses in Tokyo, carefully stalking their prey. This novel covers the events that occurred before the opening act of Tokyo Ghoul—a time when Kaneki was still human, the Kirishimas still lived together, and Rize enjoyed her feasts.

‘Past’ is the third and final novel in a series of spin-off stories set in the Tokyo Ghoul world. The other two, Void and Days, covered various other story aspects that occurred within the current 12 volumes of Tokyo Ghoul manga. I always enjoy a little back story. This novel gives us a look at several of the main characters from before the start of the events in volume 1 of Tokyo Ghoul.

I felt the anime and original manga did a decent job of giving us a backstory on Hide and Ken already but this expands on that some to give us more context prior to Ken meeting Rize. The more interesting back stories come from that of Touka and her brother, and Rize with her enjoyment of feasting. The caveat here is that these are novels versus graphic novels. Although there are a few random drawings throughout the book, its a novel and not a graphic novel (manga).

Still if you enjoy backstory and want to learn more of the Tokyo Ghoul world prior to the start of the main manga, you should check this out. Can you grab all 3 novels in the series over at now.

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