Three If By Space

Orphan Black Review: One Fettered Slave

Image Credit: BBC America

Why Orphan Black?! What do you gotta do this to me, “One Fettered Slave” will keep all #CloneClub members on the edge of their seats and with an increased heart rate. We’re now only one episode away from the end of all that is Orphan Black and I was not prepared for the first half of this finale.

Image Credit: BBC America

It’s a hard day for the Clone Club, as Mrs. S is being laid to her final resting place, which makes it the worst time for bad news. Bad news though, likes to work that way. After an “ugly-cry” inducing letter left for Sarah, Felix and Kira and Kira leaving the first rose on the coffin, it’s understandable how 3 minutes in and any Clone Club member might need a drink. Art tells Sarah that S’s sacrifice, the ultimate sacrifice, was made for so many. Hell he was being threatened by Neloution too, and now, because of her and her efforts, so many can breathe that sigh of relief. All seems fairly normal as far as memorial gathering goes, until Sister Irina walks into the room. She motions towards Sarah and Felix leads her over. She hands over Helena’s diary to Sarah and immediately we know something is wrong. Sarah is still grieving, her daughter is grieving, and she is unable to jump into action, especially when that action means seeing Rachel. Art and Felix go instead and promise to keep her updated. For now this is the best they can do, Art and Felix might find a lead and Adele with Sarah can see what other information Sister Irina has.

Image Credit: BBC America

HELENA FLASHBACKS! Oh how excited I was for some new peeks into her background. Of course small child Helena enjoys food just as much as the one we know and love, and we also witness the bleaching of her hair as punishment. Being given to her first psycho caregiver. Being brainwashed into hating “the copies” and even the first murder of another clone. Which horrifies her because she didn’t think they would look alike. This is where she is given the notion that she is the original, not a copy that must be purged from the earth. Her own history and story is important, not only for who she grows into but on how it will affect her babies and her future. She’s back in the grasp of Westmoreland, who literally just wants to use those babies to make his own cure and then subject them to many experiments, just like Helena was. Her background also shows us her strengths, and the lengths that she will to go to protect herself and her chosen family. We must save Helena, but at what costs will that take?

Image Credit: BBC America

Image Credit: BBC America

Art and Felix find Rachel with boarding pass and passport in hand, everyone knows that she is their number one target right now. The first assumption that Helena was taken to the island, is quickly countered by Rachel. PT isn’t safe there anymore, his owner followers down at Camp Cult began turning on him the moment Cosima revealed his real identity. Rachel notes that Art’s old partner Maggie, was quite close to the cause, and could have had something to do with Helena’s disappearance. He follows that lead to his own station, where his boss intercepts him over an Interpol inquiry. Lucky for Art, his boss trusts him more than he does Maggie, and he wants Art to continue to look into these high profile suicides on the down low. It seems that most of the Neolution board is now dead or missing, including Rachel, only three are known to be alive. With Delphine and S’s work hitting all the major news outlets, Dyad is under huge scrutiny and the main money man is still to be found. That’s their next best step.

Art and Felix are able to find him and Mr. Frontenac, and Art kills Frontenac in self defense. He’s too far into this now, and this shooting happened off of official case business, he did what he had to do and he is determined to get Helena back. Though nobody knows where Helena might be, they at least have a possible way to find out. Al-Khatib, the money front, reaches out to Maggie. Mr. Frontenac was supposed to have killed him, cleaning up loose ends and all, so it’s a surprise for PT when the call comes through. He says he’s got Rachel and in exchange for his safety assurances, he will hand her over. You’d think with how many times Sarah has pulled the old clone-switch-a-roo with Dyad, they’d see this one coming, luckily though, they don’t. Sarah goes in as Rachel and hopes to stall PT long enough to be able for the others to bust in with a plan that’ll save them both. Turns out they aren’t all that far from home, using the old east wing of Dyad. PT has set himself up for a cure and revival right next to the place that Neolution is bursting into flames.

Image Credit: BBC America

Image Credit: BBC America

More loose ends than just Al-Khatib and Gracie need to be tied up though, and Coady is also forced to put down Mark. She doesn’t want to, he is the last of the Castor’s, but PT wills it, so it must be. PT isn’t looking all that hot either, it seems the stress of being outed and keeping up with his charade for the last decade or two have taken a toll. He is more impatient than ever to get what he needs to make his own cure, selfish bastard. Coady actually looks human, for like half a second, when she’s killing Mark, but then goes right back to the monster that she is. She played a mind game with Helena as well, stating that Helena was not fit to be a good mother anyhow, the babies will be better off. If there’s one thing you should know about Helena, don’t get in the way of her babies…

Image Credit: BBC America

Another thing you should never do with Helena, leave her alone, even for a moment. Coady steps out to kill Mark and then have a cigarette, and her assistant leaves Helena alone. Of course she’s going to find a way to be useful and make steps towards freedom, especially for her babies. Unfortunately, she isn’t really able to cut away at the restraints they’re using. So the scissors that she was able to snag off of the medical tray won’t do her any good. Unless, she decides to free herself and the babies a different way. Helena makes a bold decision and cuts into her own wrist with those scissors, beginning to bleed out all over the floor. She’s lost between a pint or two of blood and this situation is going downhill fast for Coady. Luckily, PT has just found out that it’s Sarah, not Rachel, and she is whisked away downstairs to begin a blood transfusion for Helena. She can help save her sister’s life now, even if it puts both of them and the babies still in the grasps of PT.

Image Credit: BBC America

Now that we know where Helena is, the rest of the team can form a plan. Scott used to work in the old east wing with Cosima, and we just happen to have an old Dyad security employee on the team. They’re able to sneak their way in and get access to the closed off pathway that connects the main Dyad building to the old East Wing. From there Scott opens up a secure door, which sets off the alarm but gives Art access. Scott wants to help but Art takes over from here.

Image Credit: BBC America

Sarah’s blood transfusion for Helena is working. Coady would have performed a C-Section if Helena didn’t wake up, but a c-Section on someone who has just lost that much blood is a terrible idea, and Sarah knows that. She keeps talking to Helena, calling her “Meathead” and finally gets her to come round. Helena experiences another contraction and then asks for water. While Coady is grabbing that for her, Helena gives Sarah a look and before you know it, the wounded arm (another rookie mistake in dealing with Helena, they un-cuffed that one while treating her) is bringing Coady’s head down, hard on the edge of the metal frame. Guess Helena wanted to tie up some loose ends of her own. Sarah gets Helena unrestrained, someone will be by eventually, especially with that alarm having gone off. And getting a labor induced, blood loss suffering Helena off the bed is no easy feat. They’re just about to be on their way, Helena is finally standing up and boom….her water breaks.

Babies are coming. – Helena

Image Credit: BBC America

Well that is one hell of a way to kick off a two part series finale episode! We’ve got only one episode left my fellow #CloneClub friends, and so much left to still see. What do you think the biggest shocker next week will be?

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