Three If By Space

Outlander: Ready? Season 3 Premiere Preview!

On Sunday (Saturday if you’re lucky), Droughtlander will officially be over. At least for a while. For now, we can look forward to 13 episodes of heart-rending, tear-jerking, fist-pounding adventure and emotion!

You already know that for at least the first couple of episodes, Claire and Jamie are separated, by war and time, and are trying to survive in their half-lives. Neither can be whole without the other, despite the people surrounding them. And as they both believe there’s no chance to be reunited, they can’t even have hope that they’ll once again be whole.

The first episode of Season 3 is Battle Joined. Raw, difficult, emotional – the battle is on both sides of the timeline. Pay attention to how Bear McCreary’s excellent score is used – or not. Have your Kleenex ready!!! We’ll see some highly anticipated new characters, and welcome back some old friends. Of course, there are a lot of straight-from-the-books lines and scenes, but be ready, most of the book-to-screen changes come in the Claire segments. And they’re not so much changes as fleshing out her new life with first husband Frank.

The website Collider had a chance to interview several cast members and producers, including Matt Roberts, who had this to say about the season: “[Claire] has to mourn [Jamie] like he’s dead because you’ve given up the person you love most in the world. And with Jamie, he’s going off to die. He’s decided it’s better to be dead than to live without his wife and his child than to go on living. Fortunately for us he lives. And then his struggle to just become whole again, or at least fill the void that Claire and his unborn child left. That’s kinda their journey […] to find each other while they mourn each other the entire time of being apart.”

Viewing Party Contest!

How are you planning to watch this first episode? With friends? By yourself? Send me pictures of your viewing party, whether you’re with a group or alone. I’ll even give you a little incentive – everyone who sends me a photo (to that I can use in next week’s newsletter, The Gab, will be entered into a drawing to win an Outlander prize pack. Be sure to identify everyone in the photo.

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