Three If By Space

Outlander: Toni Graphia Talks About Ep. 304 on Twitter

Following this weekend’s emotional episode Of Lost Things, writer Toni Graphia once again took to the Outlander Writers Twitter account and answered fan questions. (emojis are approximate…)

Q You’ve said you’re taking it slow with Roger and Bree – will we get more of them in episode 5?
A Yes. And one of them will wear a Santa hat.

Q When Jamie was hugging Willie, what does Jamie say in Gaelic?
A “Don’t cry, my lad, It’ll be all right.”

Q Singing is such a large part of Roger’s character. When will we get to hear him sing?
A Sing… and perhaps play.

Q I was casually rewatching S1 Ep 4, um, when I saw FIONA in the 1700s? Can this be explained? Was told she has witchy powers.
A It’s Fiona’s seven times great grandmother.

Q The inclusion of Hal in this ep was a nice surprise. Why did you choose to have him be Geneva’s source of incriminating info?
A Letters would be risky. This was a more interesting way to go. And we love Hal.

Q Some (not me) find Bree hard to love. Why the choice to have her make fun of Fiona in the car repair scene?
A She was just a little jealous because she likes Roger.

Q This was my favorite Roger and Bree scene. It really set up their blossoming relationship well. Was the carburetor a little Easter egg?
A Ha! Yes. Nice catch.

Q Will you write an episode to make Caitriona shine as episode 4 for Sam? She deserves one. #Emmy #GoldenGlobe
A She’s very shiny in 305. 💡

Q Was there an Easter egg in this episode? If so, what was it? Thanks. Great debate whether it was the singer in the pub or not.
A Let’s just say it’s always Easter at Outlander.

Q How long did it take you to write Ep. 304? Anything you wanted to add but was scrapped for timing issues?
A Yes. I wrote Jamie praying for those he loved. But cut for time. 🙁

Q Could you explain the decision with Ellen’s pearls. Why would Claire leave them to Mrs. Graham?
A She promised Frank to leave the past behind. So she entrusted the pearls to Mrs. Graham.

Q who picked the Bob Dylan song? PERFECT! I cried like a baby.
A I did. I knew I wanted Hard Rain from the time I read the chapters. Love Dylan. But this duet is perfect for Claire & Jamie. Thank you @WalkOffTheEarth for your brilliance. ♥ It’s one of those songs that transcend time.

Q Why did you decide that Bree should impulsively kiss Roger? (Very happy with that decision, BTW!)
A Look at his face. He’s verra smoochable.
A (Rik Rankin) (smooch emoji)
A Those were actually for Toni G.

Q In your mind, how long had Lady Dunsany known Jamie was a Jacobite soldier?
A Her husband finally told her after Jamie saved the baby.

Q Did Lady Dunsany suspect Jamie is Willie’s father, or have no clue?
A Mothers ken everything.

Q You captured the most poignant moments from Jamie’s time at Helwater. Daunting task! Amazing writing, how do you do it?
A Thank you so much. A little bagpipe music and a wee dram of whisky.

Q Was there a specific reason to have Claire ‘find’ Jamie again in Ep. 4 since she’d already ‘found’ him in S2?
A She knew he survived Culloden. But needs to find him 20 years later, to go back.

Q When adapting for screen, how do you identify moments of personal expression while maintaining the essence of Diana’s work?
A Great question. Hard to answer here. But important to have both.

Q Claire never gave up in the books. She went back to Boston for work. She left Brianna with Roger. Why the change?
A Keep watching.

Q Bravo, Toni, enjoyed 304! I saw a softer side of the  nasty aristocrat Lady Geneva of the book; why was she portrayed this way?
A She’s the mother of Jamie’s son. We wanted to show the human side of her.

Q Was it your decision to keep “sinking Papist” in the script?
A We all loved stinking Papist!

Q What was the motto on the flag that Bree was looking at at the end of the episode?
A A Latin phrase: No one attacks me with impunity. The motto of the Royal Stuart dynasty.

Q Why snake toy vs rosary? Willie wore the rosary ever since. In book 7 he throws this back to Jamie upon learning his parentage.
A Rosary not allowed at Ardsmuir. Snake was a sweet tie to Jamie’s brother Willie.

Q I love the original lines you chose to keep. Do you try to fit in lines that strike you most as your reread?
A Absolutely. I keep all my old favorites – and try to make new ones.

Q Who came up with the line “Move with me”? I think we’d all like to thank them personally.
A See the written by credit.

Q How does Brianna know how to fix a car engine when she is a History major in the series?
A Her grades have been dropping. Keep watching. 😉

Q When we first see pregnant Geneva, does she deliberately turn towards Jamie to let him know the baby is his>?
A Ha ha yes. A subtle hint, right?

Q I cried at the end of the episode. Did you cry as you were writing it?
A I’m still crying. 😥

Q During his talk with Lady Dunsany, when family and home are mentioned, Jamie steals a looko at Willie. Was it in the script or all Sam Heughan?
A Aye, it was in the script. For this and other insights, check out our “Inside Outlander” page.

My review of this episode

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