Three If By Space

Go to Full Impulse: Star Trek Gift Guide

Gifts for all the Trekkies in your life – or, let’s face it, gifts for yourself. Nothing wrong with that! Here are some of the more interesting items I found, cruising through the world of Star Trek merchandise.

Would you like your own Tribble, without all the trouble associated? This app-enabled interactive Tribble won’t reproduce like crazy, but will trill, purr and coo! Sounds perfect through the long Covid-isolation winter.

I could use these, as I sit and binge my way through the universe – “Do Not Disturb” socks. Put your feet up, and warn your family to leave you alone. It’s only logical.

Somehow I think Star Trek breath would be more bloodwine and coffee than pink peppermint, but this certainly is more pleasant for the other people around you. A tin of “Dilithium Crystal Mints” would be a truly fun stocking stuffer!

For the Picard Fan

The music from Star Trek: Picard blew me away. It was almost another main character. So this one is something I’m getting for myself – Picard S1 Soundtrack on vinyl, on Amazon. The packaging looks amazing. Or, you can buy the whole soundtrack in MP3, which is a little more portable than the vinyl, but not quite as interesting.

This Enterprise D Bluetooth Speaker is much more interesting than any old cube (and who wants that Borg association when you’re listening to the Picard soundtrack anyway?) It includes a 60-minute white noise emulator – engine sounds – and an LED nightlight.

New as of last month! Have you tried to live your life by following Captain Picard’s advice and philosophy? This new book, Star Trek: The Wisdom of Picard, puts it all in one place. There’s a quote for every situation. This small, almost pocket-sized volume is published by Simon & Schuster, but has over 200 pages of sage advice from TNG and Picard, such as, “Fear is an incompetent teacher.” “It may turn out that the moral thing to do was not the right thing to do.” “The Prime Directive is not just a set of rules. It is a philosophy, and a very correct one. History has proven again and again that whenever mankind interferes with a less-developed civilization, no matter how well-intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disastrous.”


If you wear this and someone starts to ask you about the BeeGees or Donna Summer, you don’t need those people in your life. A Discovery command training t-shirt is a great addition to your wardrobe.

Everything Else

Do you ever think, “if Data was only here…”? He can be! This Data standee can greet your guests or scare your family (I have a couple of standees that used to scare my kids when they went into a room…).  There are also Picard and Kirk standees available. Personally, I’d like a Riker or Archer.

This last item is one you’ll have to jump on right now, and either give it as an early gift, or as a present to yourself. If you are a Star Trek mega-fan, and a Democrat, do yourself a favor and grab this one. A contribution to the Georgia run-off election, as little as $5. will let you watch 18 Star Trek stars from across the universe – Alison Pill, Anthony Rapp, Brent Spiner, Evan Evagora, Gates McFadden, George Takei, Isa Briones, Jeri Ryan, Jonathan Del Arco, Jonathan Frakes, Kate Mulgrew, LeVar Burton, Marina Sirtis, Michelle Hurd, Santiago Cabrera, Sonequa Martin-Green, Wil Wheaton, and Wilson Cruz – talk about politics, behind the scenes stories, personal philosophy, and more. I did something similar in September, with a contribution to the Biden/Harris campaign, and it was fantastic.

The event is this coming Saturday, Dec. 12, 6 pm eastern, over Zoom. You’ll be supporting Jon Ossof and Rev. Raphael Warnock. If this is not your political leaning, you may want to skip it, at least from my experience from the previous event, because it definitely is for Democrats (or you’ll have to have a high tolerance level). Click here to make your contribution and get your spot.

Screenshot from the Trek The Vote event

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