Three If By Space

The Sandman- An Incredible Adaptation

I’m telling you now, the adaptation of The Sandman to the small screen is going to be perfect. We already were proven that Netflix can knock adaptations out of the park with The Umbrella Academy and Sweet Tooth. The Sandman is another one to add to their list. Here’s the first look:

Shot for shot

This first look is a shot for shot of some panels from the first issue. They introduce us to the different Endless through a story and we learn that this ritual is being performed to catch Death herself. The only problem is they end up catching Dream, or Morpheus, as a result of the ritual. The Sandman was one of the first serious comics that I ever picked up as a kid. I was probably around 11 or 12 when I was first introduced to this world and it sucked me in. There is an incredible deepness and sadness to the Sandman series and I highly recommend you read them too. Chances are if you have already read them, then you are as excited about this show as I am.

The Sandman


The cast is beautiful and I am really looking forward to seeing them all bring these characters to life. I just want this show to air already. I am excited to see how they deal with all of the different locations and people. There is so many settings and places. It is going to be interesting if they play it safe or if they venture to different worlds and eras.

What I want to know is how they’re planning on splitting the series up. Will they be doing the first few trades? Are they going to continue this shot for shot adaptation or will they go off the rails and do their own thing? I am not concerned if they decide to do their own thing, considering how Umbrella Academy turned out. If they can stay true to the feeling of the comic, which they definitely have from this first look, then it is going to be beautiful, sorrowful, and meaningful. Just like Neil Gaiman intended.

What do you think of this first look at The Sandman? Let us know in the comments below!

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