Three If By Space

Review: House Of Gucci

Fashion is anything but fashionable when you look at the history of most major brands. Gucci is no different. In the film House Of Gucci we get a look at a dramatization of the events that lead up to the high profile murder of a member of the Gucci family and how the brand became what it is today.

When Patrizia Reggiani, an outsider from humble beginnings, marries into the Gucci family, her unbridled ambition begins to unravel the family legacy and triggers a reckless spiral of betrayal, decadence, revenge — and ultimately murder.


Admittedly I don’t know a lot about fashion so I went into this film without much background on the story. The film features an A-list cast playing the roles of the members of the Gucci family. Lady Gaga plays Patrizia Reggiani, who finds herself married into the Gucci family and takes a wild ride through the ups and downs of having wealth and the backstabbing that goes with that. Some of the cast are in heavy makeup and prosthetics to change their looks. Most notably Jared Leto plays Cousin Paolo Gucci. This is where things start to become a bit of a struggle. The cast’s attempt at an Italian accent is strained at best, to the point that it feels like an SNL skit at some points (and not in a good way). And Jeremy Irons is forgettable in the film which seems like a waste.

Then let’s talk about Paolo. Probably the most annoying character in the film, but also the only one that provided some moments of laughter or relief from an otherwise mediocre film. In fact, he has a line where he is trying to make a comparison to soring like some type of noble bird. Instead, he says “Soar like a Pigeon”. This line stuck with me the rest of the film. It perfectly describes the film’s attempt to make a Hollywood-worthy story out of this based-on-true-events family and fashion event. It tries to take off but never really gets up to any heights worthwhile. In fact, it takes until the final 45 minutes of the film to get to the interesting parts.

Now, if you are a fashion buff, it is worth noting that watching the history of what happened to Gucci as a brand was interesting. The set locations were stunning, so that’s one plus of the film. To see how the family ended up with no stake in the company after years of backstabbing and tax evasion, and how Tom Ford was introduced to the fashion brand would excite any fashion history buff. This forgettable based-on-true-events Hollywood story will easily be forgotten once you leave the theatre but Jared Leto’s line in the film perfectly describes our feelings on it overall.

House Of Gucci soars like a pigeon, by the time it gets off the ground it’s ready to hit a brick wall or find another shiny object to bring it back to the ground. House Of Gucci is in theatres now.

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