Three If By Space

Supergirl Cast at San Diego Comic Con Part 2



David Harewood is known for his work in Homeland and the comedy series Selfie, he is very excited to be a part of Supergirl. Growing up a fan of the comic book television shows and movies he’s excited to see how far technology has come, and the fact that Supergirl can fly and we don’t see the wires! David is looking forward to bringing Hank Henshaw to the screen because he is a character that hasn’t really been explored aside from the comic universe.

David also can’t wait to eventually become indestructible!  He talks about the exploration of the different archetypes on the show and how even though these people have great powers they still have human struggles which is something everyone has emphasized.  He isn’t too sure what villains he’d like to see on Supergirl, but Darkseid is one he thinks would be really cool. He encourages fans to write in with what they’d like to see most in the upcoming series.

Jeremy Jordan discusses his previous experience with television and how the actors don’t typically see the scripts until it is in it’s final stage, so the secrecy behind Supergirl is nothing new to him.  He says they usually don’t reveal anything because the actors get this idea in their head for how the show and characters will be, but it often changes and things don’t pan out the way it did in the very first rendition of the script. He does say that it is hard if there is a huge secret in the characters history it is hard to play off of that.

Jeremy is a comic book fan and talks about how he saw himself as Winn Schott and how that doesn’t happen all that often.  He is excited to be fun and quirky because he’s used to playing the “dark and brooding” character.  His big wish for Winn during the season is for him to get a girlfriend, whether it be Kara or someone else. He talks about his friendship with Melissa Benoist (Supergirl) and how they really hit it off when they met, so their on-screen chemistry is exactly how they act off-screen.

After talking to the cast and crew I have become more excited for this show, it seems like the perfect step for the “Superhero genre” and I have a feeling this show is going to take off really quickly!

Check out Part 1 with Melissa Benoist and Chyler Leigh here!

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