Three If By Space

Gotham: Episode 4 “The Demon’s Head” Review


The fourth episode of the season continues to be excellent quality television.  There was a lot of story building in this episode, so it made it a little bit slower than the past three.  Slower, in the sense that even though a lot happened it didn’t seem as though many of those events were extremely imperative to the story.  Except maybe Ra’s Al Ghul.  That does not mean it wasn’t still great!  Not one of the episodes they’ve put out the past two seasons have been bad. That fact is something I absolutely love about Gotham. Now about “The Demon’s Head”

GOTHAM: L-R: Sean Pertwee and David Mazouz Courtesy of Fox

Bruce Wayne Has All The Power

As most Batman fans know, Bruce becomes the most powerful man in Gotham.  For now, he’s just a kid trying to find his way.  Things shift when he decides to outbid Barbara on the dagger.  This isn’t just any dagger, it’s a dagger Ra’s Al Ghul is after.  Bruce decides to take it upon himself to buy this thing and figure out what it does.  By doing this, Bruce takes a lot of responsibility into his hands and unfortunately he isn’t equipped to handle it yet.  The dagger is “The Demon’s Head”, or belongs to the Demon’s Head and Ra’s is on the warpath to get it back.

Bruce brings other people into the mix while trying to decipher what the dagger is.  He gets innocent blood on his hands and it devastates him.  Gordon tries to take Bruce under his wing; he tries to tell him it wasn’t his fault.  Bruce knows better.  There was a really cute moment between Bruce and the young boy; Bruce became a mentor and comforted Alex as best he could.  It was really sweet!  Ra’s and Gordon face off.  Gordon gets Ra’s thrown into Black Gate, which is obviously exactly what Ra’s wants…. YIKES!

GOTHAM: Crystal Reed Courtesy of Fox

Move Over King, We Have a Queen

Oh man.  Crystal Reed is fantastic; she’s a true show stopper.  Sofia Falcone being back in Gotham is really bad news for Penguin.  He takes this challenge on head first and invites her over to discuss business.  She lies and promises that she’s not there to take anything over; she just wants to make sure the charities are in working order.  We, the audience, know this isn’t the truth but she plays it off so well he seems to believe her for a moment.  I can feel the build up between them and I know that something huge is going to happen before the end of the season.  Sofia is going to become evil, just like her father, and take Penguin down fast and probably brutally.

GOTHAM: Robin Lord Taylor Courtesy of Fox

The Mighty Will Fall

Penguin, poor Penguin.  It’s no secret how much I love him.  He’s probably my favorite character on Gotham.  Seeing him crumble is probably going to be a mixture of emotions.  He has everything going for him right now, but how long will that last?  With Sofia coming in hot and Ra’s Al Ghul working with Barbara I have a feeling it isn’t going to be much longer.

Right now he gets to bask in the fact that The Riddler is no longer The Riddler.  It’s funny because Nygma seems angrier at himself than he is at Penguin.  Penguin is the reason this happened to him!  It’s so much fun to see them back on the same screen together.  I want things to go back to the way they were last season, but that unfortunately won’t ever happen.  For now I like how much they have become each other’s nemesis.  What will happen from here? How long will it take Nygma to regain his mind?  How long until Penguin’s reign is over? I can’t wait to find out!


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