Three If By Space

Outlander: Lauren Lyle’s Tuesday Twitter Talk

Lauren Lyle, Outlander’s Marsali, responded to fan questions today on Twitter! Who knew – she has some exciting ambitions!

Q Marsali is our new super hero, cape and all! What would her super power be and what super power do you want?
A The power to communicate with anything aka animals inanimate objects dead things all things

Q How much do you love playing a mother?
A Its good i just wish the child would stop crying i have not slept in WEEKS wow how do you all do it.

Q What advice would you give to Fersali if you could?
A Stop having kids

Q Favourite episode for you in this season?
A 12 are you kidding. I was in control of a TWO HORSES and an entire carriage and as a side note i crashed it twice then finally nailed it. Massive achievement

Q a word to describe Outlander fans? we love you!!
A ULTIMATE ( love u too)

Q  I always see how wonderful you are at the conventions, do you want to come to Brazil someday to hug your fans?
A Yes! Get me to Rio Carnival! Lets all go!

Q will we ever be lucky enough to witness your Steve Coogan impersonation?
A You should be so lucky is Steve himself asks me to – make it happen

Q What was the funniest thing you remember about you and being on set ?
A That time we got married for real in prep for the wedding!

Photo: Starz

Q I love how Marsali and Claire’s relationship has grown! Hoping to see more of you two in scenes together next season! I’ve loved the scenes with u & Do u have a fave scene you’ve done with her??
A There’s a secret scene on the DVD’s from s3 where i chastise her for being anywhere near Joanie. It was my first day on set and I was terrified – Cait literally glowed in a goddess way

Q You and Cesar have such good chemistry. You’re adorable together on screen!! Such an ease. What’s something we may not know about him?
A He’s not French its all a lie

Q What actors’ careers inspire you? What kind of projects are you most interested in doing?
A To be honest i’ve been obsessed with Stevie Nicks since i was a teenager so I’d like to publicly state now that if ever a film is made about her I want to play Stevie Nicks please make it happen.
A (Caitriona) Yes!!!!

Q Is the set really as muddy as it looks onscreen?
A Yes! I basically have three of every handmade dress because they get so muddy

Q was it weird to wear a fake pregnant belly?
A No, i’m incredibly method i was pregnant

Q What’s your favorite thing to do between scenes?
A Eat and take off the corset and find all the animals on set to play with

Q Marsali is so brave and determined, and she’s one of my favorite characters, do you identify with her in any way?
A Her bravery is my favourite thing about her. Her determination to make a fulfilling life for herself, and her apparent desire to chase danger

Q If you could play any Outlander character besides Marsali, who would it be?
A Murtagh, The Godfather

Q Do you have any rituals that help you get inside the character?
A I like to spend a good amount of time walking around set and knowing the environment we are about to shoot in. Theres also often loads of dressed food dotted about so i’ll go looking for apples/cheese etc

Q Any thought to you and David Berry forming a comedy act? You’re a riot together!
A He will have to bat away we are planning out own talk show coming soon i assure you

Q how was shooting scenes with ?
A He tends to make me laugh the most i’ll try and find the video i told a bunch of you i’d post of him and his pretty fan one afternoon


Q If you could travel back in time to which time would you go?
A I’d like to meet Jesus and see what really went down

Q Would you have loved to play in Poldark?
A I hear Morwenna is a stand up gal amiright Ellise Chaps?

Q what was the most challenge thing about Marsali, emotionally speaking, that you had to embrace this season?
A Coming to terms with her being pregnant when the last thing we saw of her was her desire to remain EMPTY IN THE WOMB AREA

Q between us all, Fersali’s honeymoon destination?
A Ibiza


A Hi Richard thank you for your question. You are also quite talented and your hair is nice if a little thin on a good day. I’m most looking forward to working with ‘The Stones’ in Inverness from the future i hear they have a spectacular journey next season.

A (Richard) Roger ‘The Stones’ Mackenzie? Excellent choice, Ma’am. Excellent choice!
A (Lauren) I expected more from you.

Q is there anyone you fangirl over?
A Jessica Lange and Olivia Coleman

Q Love your performance. Question: were you and your hubby in the show who used no wig? Or were there add-one? Your hair looks so good and natural in the show. Thanks Lauren!
A Hair is all mine, thats why winds me up he is jealous of my luscious locks
A (Sam Heughan) No…… I jealous of your name. LL. as in Cool J.

Q in which tv show would you like to play ?
A Get me in Handmaids Tale it is genius and wow Elisabeth Moss am i right

Q In your career is there any funny moments what you can tell?
A The moment I decided to pursue being an actor HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Q what’s your favorite book?
A The Hungry Caterpillar DYNAMIC read

Q do you miss Nell Hudson???
A Saw her today we never leave it long enough to miss each other

Q who’s the funniest person on set and/or conventions?
A Me

Q What is your favorite prop?

Q What would be your dream job (besides acting)
A professional eater (or i’d actually love to be on radio i’d be a phenomenal DJ)

Q if marsali was born nowadays, what would be her job?
A President

Q go out to drink with Cait or Sam ??
A Well throws a magnificent party and cocktails of a Tuesday are always an option

Q What do you love the most on set?
A In all seriousness and are complete gents and non of us would survive without them

Outlander Gab on the Air: Tonight (Tuesday), 9 pm eastern/8 central! Call us and chat about Lauren’s Twitter Q&A, the most recent episode, what you think they’ll cram into the next one…. link to listen live and phone number are here!!

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