julia feature

Outlander: Meet Fan Video Creator Julia LeBlanc

Every fandom enjoys watching those fun videos made from footage of their fave show, and us Outlander fans are no different! Recently, a great Outlander-cized 12 Days of Christmas video made the rounds on Facebook, and as I knew that this video’s creator, Julia LeBlanc, had done several other terrific pieces, I wanted to learn a little more about her.


Threeifbyspace: If you can start by telling me a little about yourself – married? kids? job? have you been a long-time Outlander fan or new with the show?

Julia: Okay, I’m married, stay at home mom, I have two young children. I had heard of Outlander but I had never read it, My sister (Nancy daSilva) had told me about the show so I started watching it and was hooked! After the second episode I couldn’t wait to see what happened next so I bought all the books, and read them all in 10 weeks. I have since re-read them multiple times while waiting for book 9 and season 2.

Where did the idea for the videos come from?

I had seen a few videos and loved them, then I heard Against All Odds by Phil Collins on the radio and thought that would be a perfect song for Frank and Claire. I searched YouTube but no one had done it. Then I heard the song Turning Page by Sleeping At Last. That’s when I thought, well, if no-one has done these perfect songs yet, then I should give it a shot. And that started it. Although the first one posted was I Wanna Hold Your Hand which I think was the first or second video I’ve made.

How did you learn to do this?

It was mostly through trial and error mostly. Knowing what clips I want where was the easy part, but actually editing it took a lot longer. Sometimes I would make “mistakes” that actually turned out to be a shortcuts. Then I realized that there were tutorials on YouTube, so those came in handy. I started with iMovie which is pretty simple and now I also use Final Cut Pro, which I am still figuring out a bit.

Do you have other “creative outlets” or is this your big thing for right now?  My kids are older (20 and 23), and I know I went through a lot of fun hobbies to keep myself happy. 

This is the big one for me. I also like making family albums (not scrap books, but digital ones) and have dabbled a bit in fan art, but nothing too fancy.

What kind of reaction have you received? Anything from Diana or any of the cast?

Most have been very positive, especially during Droughtlander. Earlier this year Diana shared Bohemian Rhapsody, which was amazing! I was floored. I had never expected anything like that, then Sam shared it too, which was amazing. I actually got a chance to meet him back in March (or February) and he gave me a high five for it, he also mentioned liking it in an interview which just made my day. Diana also shared Uptown Funk, and Graham shared Womanizer. I was really so happy that they had seen it and enjoyed it enough to share.


That’s always really exciting when it happens.

He was in Toronto doing some promo, I actually recorded the meeting and it’s on Youtube. Yes, I can’t believe my luck that some one sent it to them. I have no idea who sent Bohemian Rhapsody to Diana, or how she saw it. But I’m sure glad she did! I sent her Uptown Funk through her FB page. It was very exciting and I’m still over the moon about it.

Plans for future videos? Looking forward to Season 2 for new material?

Oh yes! I’ll be making videos as long as the show is on! I have a list for season 2, 3 and 4. even stuff for Breath of Snow and Ashes and Written in My Own Heart’s Blood planned. LOL. I do have a long list, people send me requests, thankfully so far they have all been songs I like. I am looking forward to some new material, and starting on some songs I’ve been waiting on. I even have a song in mind when the casting of Bree and Roger is finally announced.


See Julia’s other videos on her sister Nancy DaSilva’s Youtube Channel – under pen name E. Jamie (videoblogs are Nancy’s)

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