
Krypton Visits San Diego Comic Con 2018

Krypton and SDCC

We were lucky enough to sit down with some of the cast and the director of Krypton at SDCC this year. The round tables came on the same day as the announcement that Lobo would be joining the fun this season. Unfortunately, no one could give us more details about how he might fit into the world. It’s going to be fun to see how they include him with the new Zod regime! Here are the interviews:



Shaun Sipos is every bit as excellent as you’d imagine. He really seems to like his role as Adam Strange and seems enthusiastic about going forward. When asked about his next step, he equates Strange’s journey to that of Odysseus and says that he needs to get off of “the island” and get back to home. Sipos also states that he believes that Krypton has now become Strange’s home.  He teased a bit about Strange’s famous suit and how we’re getting closer and closer to seeing some form of it!

Like a Phoenix

Show Runner Cameron Welsh talks Krypton Season 2 at SDCC

Cameron Welsh also joined us and gave us as many teasers as he could for season 2, which was not much. He did say that season two was going to be a lot about rebirth and re-growth. He said that Krypton needs to be cleansed so that way it can start new. I would definitely agree with him especially with the way season one ended! He talked about how the characters need to rebuild themselves after season one as well.

We chatted about how it was working with Cameron Cuffe (Seg-El) and whether or not he gave any input on how the show should go. For those who don’t know, Cuffe is a huge Superman buff. Welsh said “He has an encyclopedic knowledge of all things Superman” and said that he was more of a partner in the show than just a cast member. At the very end we asked about Lobo. Speaking as much as he could on the matter Welsh also said that Lobo was the perfect unlikely match for the show because he is so out of this world while Krypton is so grounded!

Technical Difficulties

Wallis Day at SDCC 2018

We also sat down with the lovely Wallis Day who plays Nyssa-Vex. Unfortunately, the audio on my recorder decided not to work so I don’t have video of it to share. We chatted with her about her relationships with each character. I asked her how she felt about the twist in the season that Seg ended up trusting Nyssa over Lyta and Day said “I didn’t see that coming either, so for me that was totally new as well. I think that seals their relationship and their friendship and it proves that they can trust each other. With the situation they’re in it they’re forced to kind of make this decision. I don’t think that Nyssa ever felt threatened by Lyta, I don’t think she ever bothered her that much, (its) maybe just a kick in the teeth for Lyta.”


Day seemed confident in her response and also added “I think what’s really interesting is how Nyssa and Lyta’s relationship changes.” She said that she’s interested to see how they might team up in the next season to get Seg back, especially since they’re on two different teams now. Overall it seems like it’s going to be an exciting season for Nyssa-Vex! Honestly, it seems like it’s going to be an exciting season in general!


Stay tuned to Three If By Space for all your Krypton news! Plus, check back for more San Diego Comic Con 2018 coverage!

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