
Funimation Acquires ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ Home Video Rights

By: Robert Prentice
Funimation Seven Deadly Sins

(Press Release) Funimation announced their latest license grab, Seven Deadly Sins! Many will remember the series is available already on Netflix but this latest news means Funimation will have home video distribution rights. They will release the entire first season on home video later this year for the US and Canada. Pre-orders are expected to be up on Funimation’s website in the near future.


In a troubled kingdom plagued with corrupted knights, the only salvation will come from sin. From the studio behind Fairy Tail comes a brand-new action-adventure that proves there’s more than one side to a story.

When Holy Knights arrest her father and sisters, Princess Elizabeth seeks out a group of legendary warriors known as the Seven Deadly Sins. Once revered, the Sins betrayed the kingdom and became fearsome fugitives that no man is willing to face—a far cry from the heroes this princess needs.

Finding the Sins is no easy task, and Elizabeth’s journey takes her to a small tavern where she collapses in front of a short, unassuming man and his talking pig. Helpful, albeit perverted, the barkeep reveals that he’s actually Meliodas, the Dragon Sin of Wrath—captain of the Seven Deadly Sins! Agreeing to help her, the two travel the countryside in search of his companions. But their journey pits them against dangerous creatures and the treacherous, power-hungry Holy Knights who plan on eliminating the Sins for good.

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