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Poll: Which Star Wars Film Is Your Favorite?

By: Robert Prentice
star wars

img_20141204153846Today is May the 4th or as any geek will tell you it is Star Wars Day. So what better day to ask our readers, of the 6 Star Wars films already released, which is your all-time favorite and why? For the most part if you tell a Star Wars fan that you liked any one of the originals (ep 4-6) you are not likely to get much argument from them, however if you name ep 1-3 you are likely to listen to a 1 hour dissertation on everything wrong with episodes 1-3.

I love back story, and expanded universes, but I grew up one generation after the originals. Despite that, the original films are what I saw first, and enjoyed the most of the 6. I would have to say that my vote is for Return Of The Jedi. The Ewoks are one reason, but the death star battle both in space and inside were also equally awesome. So the question is for all your Star Wars fans out there, what is your favorite film and why?

[polldaddy poll=8842625]

Oh and May The Fourth Be With You. And if you haven’t seen it already, why not bring this back up because, it rocks. Episode 7 trailer:

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