
SDCC 2019: The Witcher Preview

Coming at you from San Diego Comic Con

One of the most anticipated preview drops at San Diego Comic Con this year has clearly been The Witcher. Ever since it was announced they were making a show it has been the talk of the video game industry. People have been speculating about Henry Cavill as Geralt and it has sparked many a debate amongst the fandom. What will he be like? Can he truly portray the Geralt that we’ve all come to know and love? Let’s find out!

Today at San Diego Comic Con 2019 we got our first look preview! Take a look:


Cavill looks almost unrecognizable as Geralt, but boy does he look excellent. I think that he really does fit the part well. He has the right features and looks almost exactly like the character. I mean take a look at this



Then look at this

Henry Cavill

That’s absolutely incredible. It’s like he was pretty much meant to play Geralt. From what was seen in the preview, it looks like he is going to be broody and dark. It’s going to be interesting because of the fact that in the game you can go multiple different ways and I wonder how they’re going to bring that into the show, if at all.


This looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun. I think that it is really going to fill that void a lot of Game of Thrones people are feeling (no, I’m not in that group of people). There is a lot of lore in The Witcher realms and this series has a lot to feed off of. I know that I am personally looking forward to this. It seems like it will definitely make a lot of the fans of the games and of the books really happy.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments!

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