
Outlander: Preview of Rent, Episode 105 – Scotland the Beautiful

It’s already the fifth episode! Time flies so quickly when you watch and rewatch and rewatch…


Saturday’s episode, Rent, takes our crew out on the road to collect rent owed to the Mackenzie laird. With lots of gorgeous scenery, including lakes and mountains and Jamie, I feel confident in saying that you will drool your way through this hour. More than once. (And if you liked the coat Claire is wearing at the end of The Gathering, wait til you see it closer up…) Claire questions Dougal’s methods and honesty in rent collection, and has the first of many temptations to tell them what she knows of the future.


She learns more about Highland life, and sees more of Jamie’s gallantry. Oh, and be glad (not for the first time) that Smell-o-vision has not been perfected for home viewing.

Want to see Diana’s cameo from last week one more time?

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