Sponsored Video: Syfy’s Helix is breaking the laws of nature

By: Robert Prentice


Helix is an intense thriller about a team of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control who travel to a high-tech research facility in the Arctic to investigate a possible disease outbreak, only to find themselves pulled into a terrifying life-and-death struggle that holds the key to mankind’s salvation…or total annihilation.

Premiering in January 2014, Helix is the product of some of the biggest names in genre television, starting with Executive Producer Ronald D. Moore (Battlestar Galactica). Also Executive Producing are Lynda Obst (Contact) and Steven Maeda (Lost, CSI: Miami, The X-Files).

Joining the cast is our favorite Crazy Lee (Luciana Carro) from Falling Skies. Not much is known about her role but we can’t wait to see just what she will be doing. The series has a lot in coming with “The Thing” but being that its produced by Ronald Moore, we can expect a lot of twists and turns throughout the series.

The concept itself is not all that new for TV and leaves many to wonder if it is a concept that can survive on TV. The answer is a simply yes. The reason is because it will be on Syfy. Being on a genre channel like that makes it easier to get attention from the target audience for the show. Genre shows on basic or broadcast cable channels tend to have a harder time surviving a crowd that is otherwise shy to genre specific programming. 2 major exceptions to that are AMC’s The Walking Dead and TNT’s Falling Skies, which both still bring in huge viewership numbers and are both pushing into their 4th seasons.

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