BBC America’s Atlantis Promo Photos and Trailer 1×03 – The Boy Must Die

By: Robert Prentice


After insulting the rich and powerful Heptarian, Jason (JACK DONNELLY) and his friends are arrested and sentenced to compete in the perilous sport of bull leaping. In order to gain their freedom they must first survive this daunting test of bravery, but Jason’s enemies are prepared to do whatever it takes to keep him from getting out alive.

So far we have met several mythological figures that we all grew up learning about from ancient greece including Pythagoras, Hercules and last week Medusa. This week as Jason is sent to fight the bulls, just who else will show up from greek mythology. The promo photos below seem to give us a small hint. Check out the photos and the preview. What do you think of Atlantis? Its coming back for a 2nd season to BBC America next year.

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